Second Nature (25)

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"I still can't believe that you lost my child." Ben commented, still searching every corner of the building.

"Oh!" His wife scoffed, letting her jaw drop in a mock surprise. Doe trailed them both- scared that Padme would never come back. That something happened to her. The one person who loved them... just gone.

Then things would go right back to the way they were. There would be nobody left to protect them, Hinda would find them... no, bad. Padme couldn't just die. It's not a thing that could happen... she loved them.

"Hey, Love? Are you okay?" Ben knelt before Doe, his hand on her shoulder. They hadn't realized they'd been crying.

"Padme..." Doe wiped away a stray tear. The couple exchanged confused, worried glances. What if something had really happened to their baby?

A cry broke the silence between them. A scream pierced the halls. That's when Doe knew. The two adults struggled to keep up with the kid that chased those screams. They sprinted down the halls, dodging people, keeping up with the little green kid, and chasing those screams.
"HE'S GONE!" She cried again. Nobody dared approach her. Nobody dared touch her. Talk to her. They only watched the grieving girl.

"DEAD!" The ground practically shook with energy. She screamed again, clutching her chest close. She cried. She cried and cried. Then, slowly, she brought her head up, looked to the broken light above her, and spoke. "Poe Dameron is dead. The final battle has begun."

And, as if on queue, the alarms went off. An organized panic followed. The crowd rushed to their posts, no longer attempting to remove the kid. The base was under attack, after all. The child meant nothing in that moment.

At least, not to them. It did, however, concern the three people who ran into the chamber at a dead sprint. The girl's parents paused in relief. She was safe. They could slow down.

Doe didn't dare. They met Padme without breaking pace, comically sliding on the floor as they tried to end up by her side. Her tear-streaked face didn't leave the sky when Doe spoke.

"You left."

"He's dead." She still didn't move.

"Who's dead, Baby?" Rey knelt beside her broken daughter.

"Mister Dameron is dead." Rey's heart skipped a beat. She was never taught to grow attached- this is why. As the Jedi, she knew it was bad... and she knew she should have listened to that little voice in the back of her head. She should have recognized that she trained herself to be that way because it was the only way. Because now he's dead.

"Finn." Something clicked. If this is how Padme took it- how did Finn? His partner of over ten years. His husband... his widow.

She took off at a dead sprint. Nobody stopped her. They just watched her go, while Padme sobbed into her friend's shirt.

They stayed like that for a while. Fighters took off, guns were arranged. All of it avoided the three on the floor. Nobody commented, stared, or even wondered what was going on.

It was a war, after all, grieving is second nature now.
"Finn! I'm sorry, I should've known... Finn?" He laid in bed, still, having not moved since finding a cold spot next to him. The man didn't reply to the fact that his home was just broken into.

"I know he's gone." He said, finally. The lack of conviction in his voice broke Rey's heart. "But it hardly feels real. It... hardly feels like anything."

They didn't say anything. Not for a long while. Rey still stood in the doorway. Finn laid in bed. Both struggled to come to terms with the fact that the man they both loved, in different ways, had died.
"The left chamber of T36 has been compromised. Sealing it off now." A faceless worker said, catching Hux's attention.

"What? The entire left chamber?" He looked over the worker's shoulder. Sure enough, and explosion had destroyed nearly all of the area. "The Knights? Where are my Knights!" He demanded. That's where they slept, stayed, and trained. If they managed to get caught in that.

"Dintra Ren is dead." A voice interrupted. He turned to see a tall woman in the doorway, poised and intimidating.

"Hir Ren?"

"He died. Didn't leave to eat a meal, now he's dead." The final Knight was emotionless. Of course, she was just as good as any Knight. One of the better ones, even, but there was no way this entire side of the army could possibly be controlled by one person. Especially after Kylo...

"Contact Snoke." The words barely left his mouth, before the ship shook with an explosion. "What... was that."

"Another explosion. Your own personal chambers, General. Thank goodness you're up here."

"Locate the criminals!" They'd gotten the first punches in, and, unfortunately, they'd thrown fists in the Order's equivalent of nuts. A perfectly placed punch. Now the First Order was doubling over, having lost it's greatest tool.

"How'd they get close enough in the first place?"

"Our lookouts were temporarily offline. Only for a split second..."

"I don't care!" Hux found his hand itching towards his gun. Then he realized that it's a very Kylo move. He decided against a temper tantrum, and instead opted to yell a bit more.

"You're useless! I gave you simple orders!" These insults were followed by many others, that were often in more colorful language. Hir Ren watched in amusement, hardly fazed by the fact that she remained the last of her division.

She never liked them much, anyways. Dintra smelled. He was arrogant and liked to boss people around. Kylo liked to throw his tantrums, often destroying her own personal possessions. That was the only time she saw him, otherwise he kept to himself.

So, Hir Ren concluded, I've been the only functional Knight of Ren left in General Hux's fleet. A shame, really.

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