Love For No Other (19)

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Padmé's feet were covered in mud when she found her way back to the base. Holding her boots, she had desperately tried to remove it from her feet. She ended up having to sit on a rock near the door until her feet could dry.

"Padmé? Where were you?" Looking up, she found none other than Leia; coming into the base. Padmé didn't answer, scared of her wrath. Just like she was scared of the teachers at the mechanic academy, just like she was scared of Ms. Zomm. If Padmé had learned anything that applied to her and everyone around her, it was that there will always be someone to be afraid of. The worst part was, she wasn't wrong.

"You had us worried sick." Leia's voice almost broke, before she pulled her granddaughter into a warm hug. Padmé was shocked at the embrace. Whenever she had done anything wrong, she'd always received a lecture one way or another- even with Rey.

Maybe they didn't find the glass. Maybe I'm out of the clear.

If they had found the glass, then there might be some explaining to do. Even Padmé had no clue how she'd done it- although her father might.

Of course he knew what'd happened. Leia knew what'd happened, as did Rey. The phrase that they all memorized, knew by heart. Luke had drilled it into their heads, it was the most important thing to him.

Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.
"Do you have to? We just got married, do you really have to go and practice?" Finn whined, still in bed. The newlyweds hadn't spent a moment apart since their marriage.

"Yes, love. I'll be back for lunch, okay?"

"Mmm, fine." Finn turned over and buried his face in the pillow, away from the sun and into Poe's sweet cinnamon scent. In nearly an instant, he was back asleep.

Laughing, Poe retucked the blue comforter around his husband, ruffling his hair. Then he realized that Finn does not, in fact, have much hair at all. Laughing to himself again, he kissed the sleeping man's head.

Poe grabbed Finn's jacket- it smelled like him; like smoke and trees. The smell was one of the most comforting things to the short fighter pilot. It was one of the only constant things in his life.

When they'd met, fourteen years ago, Finn'd smelt like smoke. When Rey disappeared, and confusion arose, Finn had smelt like trees and smoke. When Luke died, Finn still smelt like trees and smoke. Now with the war, the familiar scent stayed.
"Believe me, I'm as disappointed as you are."

"Disappointment doesn't even touch the surface, General Hux."

"I- I understand."

"I assume that all of your troops are prepared for battle?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. And all of the knights-?"

"Loyal and afraid; just like always. We'll make Kylo Ren regret turning his back on the Order."

"That's the least of what's expected of you. We need to destroy all of the rebels, all of their bases. Not to mention the Jedi Knight- she must be eliminated."

"Rey? She'll be a simple side project. An inside spy has told me that she had certain health issues- fighting will hurt her."

Snoke stayed quiet, thinking about a previous encounter with his greatest threat. She'd been closer to winning than he'd like to admit- that's why Snoke had ran. Escaped, to the outer reaches of the Order.

Still hopping from place to place, the ruler hid from the resistance. Hux helped to plan this attack- as he had been for many years. As did generals Mikah, Tsune, and Huahi. Their knights led the troops. It was all set, all ready for the big attack.
"I love you."

"I love you too."

"My Queen."

"My King."

"Your hair, did you cut it?"

"Do you like it?" Ben smiled down at his wife. Her hair was down, brushing her shoulders; no longer her back. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her- and nothing held him back.

"What was that for?"

"It's because I love you. And you're perfect. Anything and everything that you do is perfect. I can't believe that you are mine, Rey Solo." His voice trailed off blissfully, his forehead rested against hers. His hands hung on her waist, holding her gently.

"If I were perfect, then why can't I beat one simple person?"

"Your perfection is made of imperfections, Love. When you do something wrong, your heart shows. Your heart is what makes you truly perfect." Rey smiled, humming a tune. A tune that Ben recognized- an old folk song from their escape planet.

Translated to their language, it was called Love For No Other. It was the song used for their wedding, romantic and sweet. A little bit sad, meant for two lovers. That's what it was, meant for a little infinity.

"Slow and sweet. My remedy. My love is a love for no other than you." The two finished with a long, slow kiss.

"I guess I'll get going then." Startled, the two caught a glance of Finn- running from the doorway.

Okay guys, I'm thinking about introducing a love interest for a very certain Padmé. Should I, or should I not add a romantic flare to the story? If so, should it be Homo or Hetero? Is Padmé lesbian? Straight? Bi? Ace, even? Let me know please!!

Also, I'm not very sorry for TFIOS reference.

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