Pip (7)

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"Excuse me sir! Fish! Buy my fish!"

"I do not want your fish. If you do not get out of my way then I will-" Kylo hesitated. A one-seater ship does not make for a lovely mood afterwards. "I do not want your fish." He repeated.

The man looked slightly hurt, but he went back to his fish tent. Kylo fixed his  hood over head, in order to hide his face. He moved through the bustling market, which was surprisingly busy at the time of day. The setting sun set a pleasant warmth over everything.
"Ma'am." A young soldier called into Rey's room. He was to escort Rey to dinner.

"Soldier, I'll be just a moment. No more than five or so."

"Madam Solo has requested that a little girl by the name of Padmé accompany you." The soldier responded, quickly. He had a gun that was tightly strapped to his belt. He also wore a helmet, which was safely fastened beneath his chin. It was rather funny, really.

"Oh, I'll tell her. Thank you." The soldier nodded and exited the room.

"Padmé? Did you hear that? Leia invited you to dinner, if you'd like to get ready."

"Really?!" Padmé looked up from the book Rey had gotten her. She had been dreading having to stay in the apartment all by herself.

"Of course Pip, get ready."

"In what? I don't have... clothes. Other than this, of course"

"Right.... umm." Rey looked around the sitting room. Then she moved to the bedroom and scoured the closet. She found a dress. It was a yellow color, Leia had gotten for her years ago. It was too small, Rey had never worn it. "Try this."

Padmé took the gown from Rey and watched as she exited the room. She laid it out on the bed and looked at it. It had thin golden straps and a yellow top. The sleeves were golden as well as the bottom.

Padmé slipped off her top and threw it off to the side. Then she slipped off her pants and stood, staring, at the dress in just her underwear.

Finally, she picked up the dress. She stepped in the back and slipped her arms through the straps, then the sleeves. She tried to reach around her back to button up the dress. Padmé, as expected, could not.

"Ma' am!" Padmé called, using her code name for Rey when people were around. This hadn't occurred many times, luckily.

Rey opened the door and quickly closed it. "Oh Pip." She said, using her pet name for Padmé. "You look beautiful."

"Oh thank you. I- I think I need your help. Buttoning the back, please."

"Of course, turn around." Padmé turned around and let Rey button up the dress. Her fingers worked quickly and nimbly. "There you go Pip, all done."

"Thank you. Thank you for everything."

"Oh Baby, anything for you. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You're never leaving again, you got it? Never." Rey decided. She wasn't aware when or how, but Padmé was NOT leaving. She could fit in here.

"Never? Oh Mama thank you." The two embraced for a while. The younger of the pair finally pulled away. "Lets go, I'm hungry."

"Of course, Pip."
"I'm going to go and greet Rey, if you don't mind."

"Not at all dear, go on ahead."

Poe got up from his spot at the table and stood by Rey, who had just walked in.

"Oh! Poe, what is it? Are you okay?" Poe said nothing, just smiled like an idiot. Happy little idiot Dameron. "Did you? You did! What did he say?"

"Shh, keep your voice down." Poe replied with a laugh. "He said yes, we're going to do it."

"Oh my goodness!" Rey squealed. She hadn't been so expressive in a very long time. Padmé opened up something, Rey felt more free than she had in a very long time.

"Ma'am" Padmé said, tugging at Rey's sleeve. "I think I'll go find Miss Leia."

Rey nodded and knelt down to whisper something in the little girl's ear. The girl nodded and went on her way. It was the first time that Poe had noticed the child.

"Who is she? The girl."  Poe asked his friend.

"She's the daughter of an old friend of mine. I'm watching her." Rey responded quickly, she had replayed her excuse a countless number of times in the short time that Padmé had been there.

"Hmmm. And her name?" Poe asked, slightly suspicious. Rey didn't really have friends before she joined the rebellion. She lived alone on a desert planet, from what Finn had told him.

"Padmé. I love that name, it's so pretty."

"Padmé... hmm." Poe rather liked the name, pretty and unique. The name fit it's owner nicely. The girl had pretty eyes, and full lips. "Unique."

"Are you thinking of names? Poe!" Rey exclaimed, knowing what her friend was thinking.

"It's just a consideration. Besides, we still haven't decided if we want a girl or a boy. We don't even know where we want to adopt from." Poe felt butterflies in his stomach. He had been wanting kids for who knows how long. He practically raised his four siblings.

His mother worked before the sun came up and came home long after it had set. His father disappeared before Poe had turned six. He was the oldest of the five children.

His family had always struggled with money after that. Poe attended a night school, during the day he had to watch his brothers and sister.

When Poe had been invited to a piloting school when he was seventeen, he refused. His mother hadn't even known about the invitation. Poe received another invitation a year later. He was originally going to turn down this one as well, but his mother found out and insisted that he go.

It was after that that everything changed, and not entirely for the better.

Hey! I'm so happy to get this update to you guys early! I was wondering if you guys were liking my involvement of Poe and Finn in the story. If you're totally not digging it, I can minimize their part of the story.

The Daughter of ReyloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora