Bumblebee (6)

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Rey rushed through the hallways looking for her baby. When she got back from training, the apartment was empty. No Padmé.

Rey opened the pair of double doors that led into the Memorial. She heard voices. Breathless, she saw her baby talking to... oh no. Leia. What if she found out?

"Rey. How nice of you to join us." Leia said, calmly. She must not have found out. Padmé didn't say anything, but she did look slightly guilty. "I've just been telling this lovely young lady about my adventures."

"Yes Ma'am, that's very nice." Rey was simple but delicate with the old woman. Very recently, her brother had passed away, and her husband a decade or so before. Her sanity had slowly fallen away, though nobody was bold enough to tell her so. As far as she was concerned, she was in charge.

"Did you know that this young lady has the same name as my mother? What a small world."

"Small indeed. I am sorry to cut this meeting short, but I am actually here to retrieve Padmé."

"So soon? All right."

Padmé stood up to leave and walked out with Rey. Rey felt relieved. She had been so scared that something bad had happened.

"You scared me."

"I'm sorry. I- I'll listen better."

"Listen better?" Rey stopped Padmé. They faced one another, and Rey was squatting down so that she was eye level with her daughter.

"I promise I'll listen to your words and respect your wishes." Padmé said. Rey wasn't angry, how could she be? Padmé just needed to be punished. No- not punished. More of a rule enforcement.

"I'm not angry." Rey would tell Padmé what she was feeling. That's what parents are supposed to do, right? Rey had no idea. "I just... want you to respect my words. Do you think you can do that for me? Padmé?"

"Yes. Yes Mama I'm s- so sorry." Padmé started to choke up, disappointed with herself. Rey pulled her into a hug. The twelve year old fell apart into her mother's arms. She just wanted to be a baby again, and that's what Rey gave her.
Kylo stared at his coat. The new clothes that he was given brought back memories. Memories of his and Rey's time together. They had to blend in, so they had donned normal clothes. No Knight armor, no Jedi robe. Equal clothing, not titles. They we're Rey and Ben.

They had stayed in a small cottage, on the countryside. They were next to a beautiful little stream that sang with the crickets in the evening. They had had neighbors, too. Borrowing flour, exchanging recipes. Normal, completely normal for the two most extraordinary people.

Kylo stepped on to the small single person flier. He would drop himself off at the rebel base, then contact Hux. He was supposed to gain the trust of someone with a lot of power. Leia or Rey, they said. Kylo knew where he was going.
"Did you find out?" Poe asked Finn, eagerly. All day he had been wondering who the little girl was. She made him a little jealous. The little girl had spent all day with Rey when she couldn't even find time for her friends.

"No, I told you. We were training. I was firing a gun at her half of the time."

"Oh yeah."

"You're a mess." Finn replied with a laugh. He got up and ruffled Poe's hair. He kissed the top of his head and picked up a book.

"Finn, what have you ever thought about kids?" Poe asked, suddenly very serious.

"Kids?" Finn asked from his spot across from Poe. "I haven't really.... is there any reason why?"

"I've been thinking about it. A lot, actually."

"And were you thinking?"

"I do, Finn. I want our family to grow."

"We're not even.... public yet. Love, this is a big step. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am one hundred percent sure."

"Do you want a baby? A toddler? What were you thinking?"

"You support this?"

"Of course. You seem to have thought about it, and I trust you."

"A baby. I want it to be all ours. Little baby Dameron."

"As long as you're happy. A girl? A boy?"

"I don't mind, really. I do want a healthy bumbling little baby."

"A little bumblebee."

"Our bumblebee."

"That's right Poe. Our bumblebee."
"Mama, are you sure I can't come to dinner with you? It gets so boring in here without you."

"Padmé, you know that you can't come to dinner. No one can know that you're my daughter, they'll get suspicious."

"But you show your ring all the time. Doesn't anyone get suspicious about that?"

"I- I don't often show my ring. Today was special."

"Are you sure I can't come to dinner? Miss Leia seemed like she liked me earlier."

"Miss Leia's crazy. She lost her entire family, she's losing herself."

"Her whole family?"

"Yes. First her- her son, B-Ben. Then her husband Han, and recently her- her brother Luke."

"How did she lose them?"

"Luke was in an aircraft that became a target for the First Order and Han was killed by his son, Ben."

"Why Mama? Why did Ben kill his dad? I don't think I'd ever kill MY dad, even though he left me."

"Ben was...," Rey was having a difficult time explaining this. Ben had needed to kill Han to move on, to really become Kylo Ren. Padmé still didn't know that Ben and Kylo were one and the same. "Ben needed to impress someone. Someone bad."

"Is that how Miss Leia lost him? Not physically but mentally? I think that that must be worse. Every day watching them become someone their not until, finally, they are no longer themselves."

"Where'd you learn to become so philosophical?"

"I imagine I read it in a book, or maybe Mrs. Zomm said it sometime."

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