Because of Love (21)

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Every step he took echoed down the halls. Every step he took made his heart heavier. Every step he took broke him a little more.

This is selfish. He thought.
I'm not being fair.
Why am I so upset.
I will die, that's that.
There's nothing to do about it now.

Still, a tear balanced on the end of his nose. His vision was obscured by the complete and utter unfairness of everything. He'd finally gotten a good thing- but it was ripped out of his hands almost instantly.

How in the world could that be considered fair?
"What the hell was that?" Rey whispered, finally out of the Dameron home. In hushed whispers, they navigated a moderately crowded hallway.

"I saved your reputation, all-holy Jedi Knight."

"Distant relative? Finn didn't buy that one bit!"

"To be fair, it beats telling him that she's our daughter."

Rey prepared herself to counter her argument, but she couldn't. It might've been because she couldn't find a witty comeback, or because she was out of breath from trying to keep up with her husband. Being short had its drawbacks.
When the figure stepped out of their shadowed mask, Padmé saw why the figure was hesitant.

They were at least a solid five inches shorter than her. Although evidently muscular, they were also thin and nimble. They wore a pair of plain pants- they barely reached past their knees. Their plain shirt was covered with a very  worn and tattered vest. Padmé's breath was nearly taken away when she saw the delicate features of this stranger's face. Their blue eyes stood out against the green of their skin and the white of their hair.

However, that wasn't why they hesitated. All over the skin that Padmé saw were scratches and scars. Some red and fresh, other silvery and faded. Up their legs, across their arms. Even on their face, the cuts didn't stop. It brought tears to Padmé's eyes.

"I told you that you wouldn't like what you saw." Instead of cocky, the voice became sad.

"Who said I didn't like it?"

"You're just like everyone else who sees me. Now, you'll call me a monster or a freak."

"Why would I do that?" Padmé could sense the feeling of pain in their voice. It was so... lonely.

"That's the way it always goes! I'm a bad kid, and they hurt me! People don't like my scars, so they turn me away." They were almost shouting now.

"I won't. I rather like them. They characterize you."

"You're lying."

"No, I'm really not." Padmé extended her arm to her green companion. "Why don't you come with me? I can get you cleaned up in no time."

"Hinda won't like that. Hinda won't like that I was here at all."

"Hinda doesn't have to know. It's not healthy for you to have open cuts like that." Padmé slowly took steps forward, still at a loss for who Hinda was.

Padmé wasn't lying. There had been multiple times when she'd seen girls with cuts from the rocks get sand in them- they got infected badly. There'd been times when Padmé had to treat her own cuts and sores. It wasn't fun on the sand-covered planet.

"Hinda will find out! She has eyes everywhere. Hinda will always find out."

"I take it you don't like Hinda much." The other companion shook her head, before looking at the trees- as if something might be in them. "I know people who can make sure that she won't find you."


"My mother-" now it was Padmé's turn to check the surrounding area. If anyone found out about her lineage... never mind. "-is a Jedi. She'll help you, she can keep Hinda away. How about that?"

The green companion nodded, before approaching Padme and allowing her tender touch to guide them out of the forest.

"I never got your name."

"Doe... my name is Doe."
"My granddaughter grew up where?!?!" Anakin still was baffled by his new knowledge of his kin.

"Your great-granddaughter, she is."

"Come on Yoda! Now you're just trying to make me feel old."

"Anakin... I advise you to choose your words wisely. You are also dead, so you can't be old." Obi Wan looked between his blue companions. He remembered dying. He remembered what had flashed before his eyes in those final moments- his happiest memories.

Most of them were with Anakin. Before Vader, before Luke and before Leia. When it was just him and Anakin, the two against the world. Their brotherly love. Their irreplaceable bond. Even in death, the two were constantly together. Padawan and Master had such a different meaning to them.

If only it hadn't been so easy for Anakin to fall over the edge. If only he hadn't lost sight of good things- instead of how to prevent bad ones. Maybe things would have been different.
"Poe? How was training, love?" Poe didn't answer. He put his bags down and found his way across the room.

"Is everything okay?" Still no response. He closed the door to their bedroom behind him, leaving his husband alone once more.

It hurt Finn, it definitely did. However, he knew that Poe never did this without a reason. He always had a reason. Poe never got mad just because he can. He never felt sad just because he can. He just always had a reason.

Finn was determined to find that reason; to help Poe. Because that's what husbands do. They fight and fight for each other because of love. They loved each other, and that's all they need.

So, I decided to not give Doe a gender- which is totally cool (I hope). I still don't know if they'll engage romantically with Padmé yet- we'll see. Actually it's up to you. Comment please!

Do you like the story? What do I need to add? What do I need to take away? Thank you!

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