Perfectly Logical (15)

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"My baby! Let me see my baby! Please!" Rey remembers, feeling the same painful feeling. They had taken her away, on the first day. Said she was too small; needed special care.

There was no better care than that of a mother. She carried her for almost nine months; only she loved her enough.

"My baby!" She had cried. For hours and hours. Only nurses bussing around her. Even Ben had left; to be with the baby. Alone waiting for a baby; one that wasn't ready.

After a while she had tired herself out. She slept for hours; exhausted. The baby's condition was stable; still she slept. Ben returned to her bedside while she slept still.

When she awoke, she felt.. different. She had looked down into her arms to see a squirming little baby. She cooed over it before looking up and smiling at her husband, who was also exhausted. The baby was okay. She could go home; at least while the family had time.

Time. Such a little thing that made all of the difference. The pair was expected back at their bases soon. Under a month, just three weeks. It was already decided where they would drop the baby off, but she didn't want to.

Tears had begun falling down her face before they had shook her whole body. Rey held her baby tight and never wanted to let go. Ben had held them at that time. Wrapped his arms around Rey, protecting her from the inevitable. Protecting her from time itself.
"Please let me see her!"

"The Jedi wanted rest, girl. You don't belong here; run along to your parents." This was getting old. No one was allowed to see Rey, not after she asked Poe and Finn to leave. They wouldn't even deliver messages to her, in fear that it would set her off.

What DID set Rey off was not knowing how Leia took the news. Also not being able to ask without becoming suspicious.

For a while two days, silence. All she got was the occasional nurse or doctor delivering food or doing a check-up.

It was on the third day that she did receive any news from anyone. It was from a small nurse, with electric blue skin. Her skin and uniform matched one another well, but her delicate frame was shaking.

"M- Ma'am."

"Yes, what is it? Is everything alright?"

"We- we're discharging you later today, if your next checkup goes well. But.."

"What do you mean? "But" what?"

"The.. war. The one that Miss Leia warned us about. You won't be able to fight in it." Rey started to protest, but the girl continued. "It's dangerous to your health. Your blood pressure could easily skyrocket; then where would we be? It's just not logical, I'm sorry."

"It is logical. It's perfectly LOGICAL." Rey brought her voice down to a whisper, forcing the nurse to lean in to hear what she was saying. "I'm the only Jedi, therefore I'm the only one who can defeat Snoke. There is no other way."

"I'll- I'll see what I can do. I doubt it's much, though. I'm new, if you wanted someone with more influence then Margi would have been a better choice."

The girl left, and Rey was left alone once more. How could they NOT let her fight? Rey felt perfectly fine, as she had for the past three days. Now she was only waiting to be discharged. Find Ben, find Padmé.
"Ma'am, they're letting Rey out today." Padmé told the old woman cautiously. After the episode a few days ago, Padmé couldn't exactly stay in the apartment by herself; Leia took her in.

"That's wonderful, but how many times do I have to ask you to call me 'Grandma,? It's much more comfortable."

"At least once more." The pair shared a short smile, before they sat awkwardly together again.

"Has your father told you anything about this war? Where are your parents sending you?"

"Sending me? I'm not going anywhere; I'm staying right here." Leia almost rolled her eyes. She remembered Ben being this stubborn. Even Rey has her times.

"Are you sure? The battlefield is no place for a child.."

"I'm not a child! I'm a capable young.. human." Leia almost laughed out loud. If Ben wasn't sending her away, then Leia would. Hopefully she wouldn't have to fight him. Maybe Rey would see the logical side of the situation.
"It's good to see you up again. How are you feeling?"

"Finn, I'm fine. Really, I don't know why they held me in there for so long." Rey followed Finn through the hallways. After hours of waiting and checkups, she had finally been let out.

"How is Padmé? She's kind of alone after you left."

"Leia took her. That was the one thing that I definitely made sure of."

"Who were her parents again? Old friends?"

"Yeah, they were my closest friends in my childhood. They're stationed on one of our hideouts, somewhere in the Rifuk region, I think." Rey recited the lie without a fault. What? After days alone, a flawless story wasn't going to waste.

"I remember when I was sent to Rifuk. It was only for a week, before they called me back. That was a very difficult week. The only planets are either swampy or tundra, nothing easy."

"Swamps and tundras? Why the heck do we have stations there then?"

"Beats me, I though you were supposed to know everything; you're on the Jedi Council."

"I am the Jedi Council."

"Oh yeah."

(March 2017)

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