Silver Platter (30)

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It wasn't supposed to end like that. Really, it wasn't. There was a whole plan to get inside, practically perfect.


Because they hadn't considered just how well these soldiers could hear. And they heard that twig snap like a thunder clap.

"Surround it." One of them called, and nearly a hundred followed. The adrenaline started pumping with the knowledge that they would be captured.

"Alright, Plan B." Rey turned as her husband dropped his weapon. He fell to his knees with his hands over his head.

"What are you doing?"

"You, down on the ground." He pointed his gun to the last of a kind.

"Alright, alright." She joined Ben on the ground.

"And your weapon." She threw it to his feet. "Take them directly to Hux. He'll want any prisoners."


"I want all of my generals before me."

"They're all in battle, Sir." The Supreme Leader wasted no time in snapping the soldier's neck.

"I want all of my generals before me." He turned to another of his inferiors.

"Right away."

Snoke watched it go. He looked to the window, noticing the battle occurring around him. He admired how his side was doing seemingly better. Even still, they needed another edge. Just a step up, to be ahead of the rebels.

There was a final enemy- rather than the rebels, and the storm troopers. His final battle, with the last Jedi. He'd beat her once before. Barely, but she didn't know that, that's why she got away with her life. This time, she would die- and Snoke wouldn't be touched.

The Knights. Just fifteen were left... with two of Hux's gone, and one of Hilkens'. But fifteen would be enough to take down one little woman. They were all trained well- and a handful knew the force. They would be plenty.

"Form and Hux are both on the ground. They will be sent up promptly. General Hux has requested that he bring his special prisoners, Sir." Hux, the one on thin, thin ice... wants to push it? He's dead anyways... might as well.

"Very well."

The door opened several more times. Snoke still had his back turned, waiting to turn to them all at once. A guard nodded, giving Snoke the green light. Everyone stood in position.

Helmets were at their feet. All had their heads bowed, showing Snoke a handful of bald spots, and a few colored heads.

"Does anybody have any plans on how we win?" One looked up. "What, General Hux?"

"My prisoners-"

"Make sure this is worth my time. My patience is thin when it comes to you."

"O-of course." He waved his hand to a guard. "Bring all of them."

Hux seemed giddy. "An old Knight of mine- Kylo Ren... a traitor. And his partner." Both were unmasked.

"Rey." He could hardly believe it. Handed to him, on a silver platter. Perfect. No fight, no dirty work. Tied up, helpless before him.

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