Her Boy (23)

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"Are you in position, General Hux?" The masked figure, poised behind a control board, nodded. "General Form?" Another nod.

Eventually, all six generals had confirmed that they were in position. They each sent their Knights out to command the armies. One general only had two Knights, instead of three.

"Bloody Kylo Ren," General Hux muttered to himself, before turning to the crew. "We await further orders from Supreme Leader, in the meantime..." he paused, "we wait."

Kylo Ren has been his best Knight. Strong, and of the only few that could use the force. Just six of them did, and they were the best. They were some form of Elite, better than the others. Kylo had been the strongest of them all- and know he was missing. Ran off, ignoring the rest of the Order. Great.

It was almost bound to happen, though. After the orphanage on some sand planet, he'd acted strange. Jumpy and distant. That had never been the Knight that he knew.

Hux was determined to hurt him. Kylo Ren abandoned the war. At least, that's what happened in the General's mind. People who run away get punished. The weak don't have a place in the galaxy. Only strength. Only strength.
"No, of course I️ don't know what your talking about."

"The prophecy, I️ speak of."

"How could you forget, Anakin?"

"You always used to tell me that I️ was an idiot."

"Part of your idiocy was your memory. You remembered your mistakes, and how to fix them, yet you made them over and over again."

"Right, he is."

"I️ honestly just feel so attacked right now."

"Very dramatic, you are."

Anakin put his hands to his chest and fell backwards. Obi Wan rolled his eyes, and Yoda took a long, deep sigh. They sat cross- legged in the woods. Their spirits dimly lit the area in the dark.

"The prophecy again, please?"

"I️ told you six times already. I'm not saying it again, it's long and boring."

"Isn't that your whole thing? Unnecessarily long, with some hidden message that makes no sense?"

"I'm offended."

"Good for you."

Nobody spoke for a minute. Anakin and Obi Wan glared at each other, before they both started laughing. Just two dead guys laughing at each other. As you do.



Rey counted her footwork. With each step she brought the lightsaber up, down, or around her. Like a clock, she repeated the movement.


She closed her eyes and imagined that she fought Snoke. As if he stood in front of her. As if he was the one shooting the blaster, as if she was finally going to beat him. The First Order would be over. For good.


"I think there's an extra pair of clothes in here..." Padme rustles around in a little box. Doe huddles in the bathroom with a fluffy towel wrapped around their body.

"It's okay, really," they poked their head out of the door, "I can just wear my other ones."

"No you can't. I asked my grandmother to get those washed, she already took them. I'm sure there's something... here!" She yanked a few articles of clothing out the box. Padme set them in the arms of her new friend.

"You want me to wear these?"

"Jut try them on. It's nothing crazy, but they're clean- and new." Padme stepped back and let Doe dress themselves. She sat back on her mother's bed, waiting patiently for them to come out.

"How does it look?" Doe steppes out of the door and did a slow turn for their friend. The form-fitting pants fit perfectly, but the shirt was just a touch large.

"Just fine. I think those pants fit you better than they fit me- you keep them."

"Wait, really?"

"Of course." Doe looked hesitant to accept them.

"I've never had anything of my own before."

"Well look at you- you've got your very own pair of pants," Padme paused and smiled. "And your very own friend."
"Good evening, Mother." The old woman didn't respond. "May I escort you to dinner?"

"You may not show your face."

"Nobody knows who I am, come on, Mama!" For a split second, Leia saw her little boy. The little boy she'd been convinced was nearly gone. Now, well past his childhood, the boy stood there. Her boy.

"Fine. Keep your head low- and for the love of your father don't sit with Rey."


"You escort me to dinner, you sit with me. Got it?" He nodded, looking like a scolded puppy. She stood up, and kissed the top of his head. He was a tall man- she was short. He had to stoop.

Leia linked their arms together, before leading him out the door. The hallway was slightly crowded, as the dinner bell had just sounded, but not too bad. Everyone parted for General Organa-Solo and her guest.

"What's your favorite thing here?"

"I'm a big fan of those ones," she pointed over to a tray with blue lumps in it. Her son piled a few onto his own plate before continuing, and eventually finding a seat with her.

"We are going to war soon, son."

"I know, Mama."

"Are you going to fight?"

"...I don't know. I didn't think about it."

"Rey can't. But she will. I want no one but you by her side."

"Of course," Ben picked at his tray for a moment before taking a bite of the blue substance that Leia like so much.

"I will make arrangements to send your daughter off." Ben choked on his food.

"You'll what?" He finally cleared his throat.

"Well, you obviously don't want her caught in the crossfire. Am I wrong?" Ben hadn't given it much thought. "I brought it up to the child, but she refused. I take that she'll listen to you."

Ben sat in silence for a moment, considering the thought of sending her away again.
I apologize for taking so long, my bad.

Stay cool

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