Fighters (16)

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For a very long time, everything had been the same. The same clothes, the same people, the same schedule. Everything was always the same before the most terrifying moment of her life.

Well, almost. She was pretty scared when Rey was taken to the hospital; and when Leia found out. Either way, everything had changed after the men and the army walked through the door. They killed Ms. Zodd; which was slightly depressing. She had never been a very personal kind of person, though.

Now? She was trying on a dress with her grandmother, whom she hadn't known existed until... earlier that week. The dress was.. flawless. Blue and flowing, soft and silky. It must've been very, very expensive. It fit like a glove, though. The sleeves draped over her shoulders, and the bottom softly brushed the tops of her feet. The train fell like water behind her, and the bodice hugged her chest.

Padme had no idea when she'd wear the dress. She never went anywhere fancy enough to wear this,  however beautiful it was. Maybe there would be a time, but not anytime soon. Especially with everything going on.
"What will our first course of action be?" Leia repeated the question. The group of people expected her to answer, when there wasn't one. "We still haven't decided, there still needs to be an inventory and supply check."

"Who confirmed the attack? How do we know this isn't all just a big hoax?" Leia didn't answer the question, and instead let General Veltrex answer. The woman had a lot of power, both militarily and publicly. All Leia had was public power, at least that's what she thought. Everyone was still slightly unsure of anything she said or did.

"We have inside sources, who retailed this information to us." It wasn't a lie. There were others in the Order, put there by the Rebellion. Ben had just started what had to be confirmed.

It went like that back and forth for hours. The two dozen people in the room asked at least four questions each, and they were all the highest military and strategically placed people in the Resistance. All of the information still had to be given to the rest of the crews and armies.

It was almost midnight when they finished, and Leia's old body didn't want to stay awake anymore. Her arms and legs moved on their own, and creaked with every movement. Somehow, though, she made it to her room and made it past her sleeping granddaughter; into her own bed.

Instantly, she passed out. Fully clothed, shoes and all.
"No plan? How do they not have a plan?"

"I dunno, that's all Leia said."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, that and something about a supply check. Rey, I assure you this'll all end up fine."

"Fine? Finn, there won't be many times that I tell you this, but you have to be less chill. We all might die, and you're just sitting here planning your wedding; pretending like the rest of the world just doesn't exist anymore!"

"Rey, calm-"


"CHILL! Rey, Rey listen to me." Rey glared daggers at him, sending a shiver down his spine. At least she was quiet. "All of this yelling isn't healthy for you. You need rest, and we will figure this all out. Okay?"

"This is war, Finn-" Rey stood up from the sofa and made her way to the front door. She opened the door and began sliding out before she finished, "there's no time for rest."
Ben paced the room, looking for answers. He'd been locked in Rey's room ever since she went to the hospital; only Padme came to visit. Leia was still beyond furious with the man, but at least she hadn't told anyone.

It's my fault he thought
None of this would've happened if not for me
Now Padme is in danger
Now Rey is in danger
Now my mother is in danger
Now all of their people
Their friends
They're all in danger
And it's my fault
I was an idiot
And now everyone is going to die
He though for another moment before speaking aloud- "How do I save everyone?"

"Well, you can start by not talking to yourself." He turned to see Rey leaning in the doorway, with a smirk on her face. He rushed to her and pulled her into a hug, relieved to see his wife healthy again. "I'm here, Ben. I'm not going anywhere."

"I know." He muttered into her shoulder. Some of the guilt rushed off of his shoulders; the guilt of hurting her. Then he remembered that she was still going to get hurt, if I don't fix it.Fix everything.

"Ben, can you tell me what happened after I left?" He let her go, and they walked hand in hand to the sofa. Sitting next to each other, they began.

"My mother... found out. Padme is with her now, and the two seem fine with one another. Us two are an entirely different story. She's furious with us; thinks that we're idiots. I suppose she's more angry with me than with you; I'm her kid but.."

"So, why exactly is she angry?"

"Our jobs don't really allow us to get married, much less have kids. We are illegal Padme is illegal. We could get arrested, and we'd be in monster trouble."

"She does realize that she was an illegal kid too, right? Her parents were illegally married too; illegally had her and Luke. Doesn't she at least slightly pity us?"

"She does. That's why she didn't tell anyone, she'll let all of her wrath out on us- hopefully me more so- and spare us having to tell everyone."

"Why do you hope that she'll be more angry with you?"

"If she's more angry with me, than she's less angry with you."


"Listen, Rey. I've spent the past twenty years being pushed around; it's nothing new. I can take it."

"So have I. I grew up alone, in the sand. I had to fight for every meal, every day that I breathed. I know struggle, my love. Don't bear it alone."


"No. We're fighters. We took those vows, to fight together. Alongside each other, not against each other. We took those vows; we made that promise, Ben."

Hey guys, Mia here! Sorry that this chapter took so long to update, my phone broke and I do most of my writing on mobile so... yeah. I promise I'll try to get you a new chapter in 2-3 days!!

Kisses, my minnows!

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