..... surprise (14)

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She watched as they carted her mother away. Her eyes stung with tears; and her heart heavy. All of the accusations; the yelling- should have been directed at her. At least; that's what she thought.

Her grandmother (who had no idea she was a grandma) held her hand. Her father (who hadn't yet been identified) watched as his wife was taken to the infirmary. Poe went with Rey; followed her to the infirmary.

"Padmé; I know Rey means a lot to you."

"Not now, Leia. Please."

"Padmé-" The girl looked up at her father, and for the first time her companion did as well.

"Oh my" Ben realized he'd been recognized; and ran forward. He put his hand over her mouth; and closed the door. He slowly took his hand off of her mouth; and she gaped.

Her mouth tried to form words, but no sound came out. Her surprised expression suddenly turned to a form of anger; then sadness.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I- I was.. selfish. I was mean, but now I'm sorry. Mother-"

"Ben." Was all that she could muster. Padmé moved away, giving the two a moment. The older generation embraced, before Leia grabbed Ben by the ear.

"You are in so much trouble young man! Your father would kill you! Chewie is going to be disappointed! I am disappointed! You're not going back... right?"

"No, Mother. I'm staying, with you, and my family here."



"No no, you said family. You were always very careful with your words. You said exactly what you meant. What did you do?"


"Tell her." Padmé piped up from behind. The secrets, the lying. She was done with it.

"I'm... married.... with a- a kid."

"Oh. So, I'm a grandma? Who, when?"

"It was almost thirteen years ago."

"Who, Ben?" He didn't say anything, but his daughter did.

"Rey. He's married to Rey. I'm their baby..... surprise."

"What? So like my parents? She- you- broke the rules? You broke the clearest room to follow? How did I raise such an IDIOT?"

"That's encouraging, I love your support."

"You're not... angry? You should be yelling... angry! Be angry!" Padmé stated, pointing out the elephant in the room.

"Oh, I'm beyond angry. Furious, even. Not at you, dear. You're my favorite grandchild-"

"I'm your only grandchild."

"Not the point. It's your parents that have some explaining to do."

"Are you going to... report her? Rey, I mean." Ben asked, cautiously. He was treading on thin ice, and he knew it.

"No. Luckily for you lot I've grown fond of Padmé and Rey. You, however, are in the biggest trouble that trouble could be."

"She's fine. Her blood pressure was dangerously high, but it's come down now. She'll wake up within the hour; you're allowed to visit her if you'd like."

"Thank you, sir." The doctor smiled before moving on. Poe got up and moved to the special hospital ward- for the Jedi. His shoes squeaked against the floor, and everything smelled of chemicals.

He tapped lightly on her door before walking in. She was on the cot with tubes and wires tapped into her arm. She hadn't woken yet; and Poe found himself in a chair beside the bed.

Her face looked... tired. Her cheeks looked hollow, and there were dark bags under her eyes. She looked small as well. She was thin, but muscular. Tiny, vulnerable.

He brushed a piece of hair off of her face. Poe smiles at her, in a loving sort of way. Both found refuge on the rebel base. He felt like her elder brother; he wanted to protect her. And with that he promised himself that he would.

"You get better, okay?" He whispered to her. He sat in silence for another minute before the door opened. He looked up to see Finn walk in.

"How's she?"

"Good. The doctor said that she'd wake up within the hour about fifteen minutes ago. He said that she shouldn't have any long term damage; but her blood pressure could be a problem. That's why she passed out."

"Oh." Finn looked down before taking a deep breath and looking up at his boyfriend. "Poe, you and I have been together for over ten years now. I love you, and you know that. Over the past few days I've realized that our relationship hasn't evolved for years. So, Poe, with our bumblebee we'll be parents. Poe Dameron; will you marry me?"

"Finn... absolutely." He jumped up and wrapped his arms around his fiancé's neck. He pressed their lips together before a voice interrupted them.

"You're adorable and all, but can you not make out in my room?" Rey croaked, he throat dry. She smirked at the pair.

"You're awake! How do you feel?"

"I'm alive; do you know where Padmé and Leia are? And-"

"Padmé and Leia came in just after I did. Are you-?" Rey's breathing started going heavy again. Poe helped Finn calm her down before she commented.

"Did.. anything- uh, happen?"

"No, the paramedics came. Is something wrong?"

"No, I think I need rest. Can you-?"

"Of course, we'll give you some time." Poe and his newfound fiancé left the room; and left their friend to contemplate.

She wondered about many things. Mostly what would happen if- scratch that- WHEN Leia found out. The worst that could happen was death. Well, Rey's death.

The last time they executed someone was over a hundred years ago. Much less a Jedi. Maybe just... abandonment. Turned out on the streets; forever shamed.

Rey lamented and wallowed in self- pity. Well, only halfway. It was also for her family; daughter and husband. All alone, in a little hospital bed.

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