Ma'am (4)

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Hey! So this my first published story!! I'm hoping you like it, what do you think about my writing in the third person? It's a little bit new to me, thought I'd give it a try though!

"Is that really the best idea? What if you're caught? What if Snoke doesn't like it?"
"I've thought it through Hux, I'll be fine. This could be a fantastic opportunity."
"We still have to propose the idea to Snoke, come on."
Hux groaned as Kylo dragged him off to the Meeting room, where he could talk to Snoke.

Rey watched Padmé sleep. Not in a creepy way, more of a protectively, motherly way. This felt so right. Padmé was back with Rey. Not for long, but for now. Just a few days, at most.
How did she get here? How did she find Rey? They hadn't had much of an opportunity to talk with one another. Padmé had been exhausted.
      Padmé started moving, she looked distressed. She was having a nightmare. Rey rushed over to her side and shook her awake.
Her eyes flew open. She hugged Rey and cried into her shoulder. Rey instinctively held her.
"What happened, baby?".
"I had a nightmare and-and" she blubbered. "You and Dad didn't want me a-and you sent me back to that awful place where- where they teased me. I-I'm sorry, I'm much too big to cry like this."
Rey wondered what to say. She WAS going to send her back. Not to the same place, and not because she didn't want her. She had to be safe. If anyone found out about her, then her and Kylo would be in an insane amount of trouble.
Someone knocked at the door. "Rey, its Poe. We need to talk. May I come in?"
"One second Poe, I'll be right there."
Rey slipped on a robe and quickly got Padmé the spare one. She opened the door to find Poe, who looked very tired, with dark rings under his eyes. Rey invited him inside.

Padmé watched as her mother let the man into the room. It was the same one who brought her here yesterday. Poe was what he had called himself. He gave Padmé a weird look when he walked in. Padmé gave him the same look.
    "Why don't you go change? You might find something in the closet."
    Padmé got up and walked to her mother's bedroom slowly. Rey's robe was too big, and the sleeves hung over her hands.
     When Padmé got into the bedroom, she closed the door. She finally breathed, she wasn't aware that she had been holding her breath. Looking through Rey's closet, Padmé realized that there was absolutely nothing that would even remotely fit her.
    "Mo-" Padmé began to call, before remembering that the strange man wasn't allowed to know who she was. Darn. "Ma'am" she quickly fixed. Not suspicious whatsoever.
A/N hey, sorry. I've been running off of 6 hours of sleep and caffeine so bear with me!!

I know I haven't posted in a while but, you know, finals. I should be posting more after this Wednesday though, so stay tuned!

This chapter is only half of the length it should be.

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