Goodbye (17)

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"I don't know what to do. Rey was right, now is not the time for frivolous things."

"That doesn't mean-"

"Poe, it does. We can't have a reception, no wedding planning or anything. There's just no time."

"Documents." Poe blurted, the word rushed. Finn gave him a confused look, so he explained. "We don't need a reception. We just need each other and the love between us. If we want a reception and a whole celebration; it can come later. We just need to sign legal documents before we're legally married. I want you to be my husband, and that's that. Our bumblebee can wait, but I don't want us to wait."

"Oh" Finn realized that Poe had such practical ideas, he could probably have fixed 99% of Finn's past problems. And dear Lord did Finn need someone with a real head on their shoulders. Finn didn't even have freedom before he met Poe; what even.
"I already told you, ma'am. I'm not going away."

"You are my granddaughter, you shouldn't speak to me like that. If your parents won't send you away, then I will."

"That's not fair! I'm almost thirteen years old, I'm not a little kid!"

"But you're still a child. War is no place for anyone, Padmé."

"I know that! I'm staying with my family, whether you'd like to be a part of it or not. I just got my family back, I'm not letting them go."

"You're not staying, and that's final." Leia watched as her granddaughter let out a large huff of air and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door. She sat down on a chair and thought about how much she took after her family. This is something that Rey, or even teenage Leia would've said.

Headstrong, very very headstrong. It had only been a week and half since their conversations at the memorial. All of the stories, all coming down to this endless cycle.

Ben and Rey were like the late Padmé and Anakin. Her and Luke were the illegal children, just as the present Padmé is. The Order like the Empire; Snoke like the Emperor. All war and secrets; bloodshed and lies.

The Skywalkers lied; the Solos lied. Lie after lie, but all for the same reason- love. The thing Leia had lost a countless number of times.

Goodbye Ben
Goodbye Han
Goodbye Luke

Goodbye to the Leia that was,
Hello to the Leia that is.
"How are you going to fight? They told you that you can't, but we both know that you will." The couple shared a type of smile, sitting on the sofa.

"I'm going to fight as if none of that happened. I feel fine."

"Do you- ya know- have a backup plan? If you do happen to have another episode?"

"Well I never said I'd be alone. I'll probably have you or Finn with me."

"Who's Finn?" Ben raised a questioning eyebrow.

"One of my best friends. Don't you remember? You tried to kill him, when we first fought each other."

"Oh. Him." Ben looked down, feeling slightly jealous inside. What if he's replacing me? He thought.

"Nothing's going on between us, Dear. He's super super gay, infinitely gay. In fact, he kind of got engaged in my hospital room." Rey added, seeing the look in her husband's face; which was instantly removed after her comment. In fact, both ended up laughing.

Just like when they were younger. When everything was still okay, still happy. In their apartment they'd laugh about nothing; dance to no music. It was all happy.
Padmé stormed through the halls, a growing pit in her stomach. She unconsciously made her way to the memorial; and sat down on a bench.

Padmé was scared. Scared that she would be sent away, with no home to go back to. She feared that, maybe, her parents didn't love her anymore. Maybe she would amount to nothing; just as she was on Trumet- just as she always had.

The colors from the stained glass window danced in front of her, but the happy shapes only made her more frustrated. Why are they happy? I'm not happy, so why are they happy? She though. Tears disfigured her vision, and she quickly brought her hands up to wipe them. Padmé took quick, angry breaths.

She shook her head back and forth; still somehow angry at her Grandma. She looked up at the memorial's figures of the family. Her family.

"They're not my family. They're traitors, they don't love me." She muttered to her self, and a rush of heavy emotion passed through her. The sharp sound of shattering glass brought her back to reality.

The colorful glass crunched under her feet as she ran out of the room.

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