Ben; It's War (12)

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"Rey! They're coming! Mother! Rey! Padmé! They're coming!" A breathless Ben Solo called at the top of his lungs. He announced his warning to the hall, looking only for his family.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"They're coming! Rey, she- she," Ben stuttered, barely able to catch his tongue. He had just received a radio borne message from his campsite- "We will wage war; Kylo Ren."

"Easy way or hard way. We can and will use physical force- leave!"

"Rey!" Ben called once more, trying to push past the guard. "Can you at least tell her I'm here? A few words, please?"


"Ben; it's war."

"Are you..?"

"Yes. Please hurry! We don't have much time!" The young guard rolled his eyes, but left to deliver the message. Ben nervously paced back and forth; waiting.

Of course, they were already in a sort of battle. They weren't, however, currently fighting. In a war, no fights. Does that make sense? No, of course if doesn't. The mind of a scared man is one to fear itself.
Rey felt her heart drop. She looked at her daughter; who obviously hadn't understood the message. Rey felt so guilty. It was her fault that Padmé was in this mess; war is no place for a child.

"Padmé. I want you to come with me. You're not leaving my side; you hear?" The girl nodded, and Rey did a gesture that suggested the guard take them to Ben.

They followed him down a staircase and through a few hallways. Padmé was confused, but Rey was terrified. Even if it was just a false alarm, it brought awareness to the war.

She saw him before he saw her. He was finally in the light, no more darkness. He looked scared, and she knew it wasn't a fluke. It was honest war.

She wanted so badly to rush into his arms. For him to hold her; make her feel safe. Unfortunately, there were people around. She invited him to her room; and the trio moved solemnly there.

Padmé was, still, confused. No one told her what was going on. All she knew was that her father, against all odds, was here. He was no longer wearing his robes, and instead a dirty shawl.

In the early hours of morning, they didn't encounter anybody. The empty halls only made their footsteps echo more; and thus the procession more eerie.

Rey closed the door after Ben had walked in.

"Do you have any idea what kind of commotion you caused?" She demanded;  no longer sad. Now she felt.... almost enraged. She calmed herself with a few deep breaths.


"No! They don't know Ben! Now I'll have to fix this." She calmed herself again before continuing, "But now's not the time. What happened?"

"The radio, they-"

"They? Who's they? What is going on? Why are YOU here? I thought you were the big bad Kylo Ren."

"Padmé, I've, I've given up my role as Knight. I'm leaving the dark side; I'm going to help your mother win this war. The- the bad men are planning on attacking D'Qar."

"Who are you?"

"Padmé, he's your father."

"What's his name? Full name, I don't even know my- our last name."

"My name is Ben. Ben Solo."

"You killed him! You killed Han!"


"YOU BROKE HER!" She accused, "IT'S YOUR FAULT!" And with that she stormed out of the room to the only other place she knew- Leia's room. Ben tried to follow her, but Rey stopped him. She sadly looked at him; letting him know that he screwed up badly this time.
"Miss Leia!" Padmé cried, throwing herself into the old woman's room. Once the startled woman recovered, she took the crying girl into her arms.

"Child, whatever's the matter? You look as if you've seen a ghost!"

"Can you tell me a story?" Padmé asked, avoiding the question. "One about Ben; your son."

"Ben was, a mischievous young child. Always playing around with Chewie. Chewie adored him, they truly loved each other. One afternoon; I called Ben in for lunch, and he simply wasn't there. I had begun to get so worried, that I called Han home from work. Remember, Ben was only three at this point in time; too little to wander off on his own. Almost three hours later, Han finally found him. He had been asleep; in a hollow log that was in the forest just behind our house. He and Chewie were cuddled up inside; it was truly remarkable." Leia recalled the short story with a smile. The girl in her arms, however, seemed un phased and still upset.

"Miss Leia, do you think that you could ever forgive Ben? After what he did?"

"It'd take a lot, but he's still my son. I love him, so I think I'd find a way to forgive him. Why?"

"I- I think that Rey wants to talk to you."

"What could she require of me?"

"You're... in charge. I think she wants to consult you."

"That's awfully bold of her. She hasn't asked for my assistance in who knows how long."

"Please? I- I think it's urgent." And, with that, the lying girl and the crazy woman left the room.
"She's an.... intriguing child."

"What's going through her mind, I wonder.

"She loves her. Leia, I mean. It's rather cute, honestly. I'm just scared for Leia, what'll happen when she sees Ben; just standing there?"

"Leia will be fine, Anakin. You honestly seem to forget sometimes how strong your daughter is."

"Protective, you are."

"I'm not protective. Concerned, yes, but protective no."

"I suspect you are guilty, Anakin."

"Not this again! I just wanted to protect HER! Padmé was going to die; if was all I could do."

"Fail, you did."

"I made a mistake. My children and countless others suffered because of me. Even my own grandson is in trouble because of me. How many times do I have to say- I'm sorry?"

"Show it, don't tell it."

"How Obi Wan? You treat me like a padawan, you won't let me interact with anyone other than Luke. He's not even alive anymore."

"Warn them. Ben and Rey, of Padmé. Let them know that she's bringing Leia."

"I thought-"

"A change of plans, there has been."

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