Single Love (22)

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So much death.

Padmé couldn't define it. It was something that she'd never experienced before. She walked through a field of carnage.

Over a limp man.
Past a burning hut.
She stopped to pick up a doll thrown across the ashen ground.

Padmé wanted to cry. So badly, she wanted to just cry. Weep and moan for the lives that lay bloodied around her. But she didn't.

A voice in the back of her mind spoke to her. Told her that she should be proud. That this was her doing; she was the one who had destroyed this dreamland.

Now she no longer felt deterred with sadness. There was a rush of... something else. She'd never felt it before but it was so energizing. It woke her up, like she'd been missing something for her entire life.

Padmé wanted to fly. To show the work that she was Padmé Organa-Solo, and that she would never be put down again.

"I'm sorry Finn. I-"

"Poe." His words were harsh and a little bit angry. His eyes swam in angry tears.

"Are you going to do it?"

"Finn, I have-"

"You have to?" The outburst broke through the nearly quiet living space. "I'm not taking any of that. Screw honor, screw loyalty and any bull that comes with it. I want nothing more than to live my sad little life with the man I love. I don't want to let this war take that from us. Please Poe... don't go."

"Finn-" their lips touched. In a hard and rough kiss. Their teeth clashed together, and it hurt. It hurt, but the burning passion in their hearts didn't care- so neither did they.

Poe held onto Finn, grasping at his jacket and pulling him close. Finn held Poe in his arms. Held him close to his chest and close to his heart, still not letting their lips leave each other.

"I love you." Both whispered when they had finally separated. They smiled again and when in for a slower kiss, which quickly turned rapid. Poe found the bottom of Finn's shirt, and broke the kiss to lift it over his head.

When Finn had taken Poe's shirt off, he rubbed their ha-woAH WOAH WOAH... that's enough for now. The author wouldn't like to have the guilt of writing that on their shoulders... please and thank you. Let's go check on Padme now, I'm sure she's still an innocent virgin... hopefully. JK I'm the author and Padmé is my OC so I get to decide, and the kid is DEFINITELY a virgin.
"Padme, Padme wake up."

"What? Who?"

"It's me... Doe."

"Oh, good morning."

"I just had a thought."

"Oh goodness, don't hurt yourself." Doe scowled their scarred face at Padme in the dim light. They hovered over her while she still was enveloped in messy dark hair.

"What if your mom doesn't like me?"

"My mom will like you."

"She could kick me out. Then Hinda will find me and-"

"And then she'll eat you." Doe looked startled for a second. "My mom won't kick you out, I promise. She'll understand that you need help, and that I want to give it to you."


"No. Come on, let's check your cuts."

"Which one hurts the most?" Doe pointed to a large cut on their back. Or, tried to.

Padme took a warm washcloth to the gash while Doe laid down on Rey's bed, facedown. It was mostly okay, and scarring over- soon to join the collection of others. It was, however, badly bruised and deep. Probably would have needed stitches, had Padme encountered it earlier.

"When was the last time you took a bath? Some of these look pretty dirty..."

"I showered two weeks ago... I think. It's okay, Hinda gives us two minutes of water every month."

"Two minutes for a month of doing all of her dirty work? No."

"Where are you going?"

"Running you a bath, your cuts deserve a solid cleaning, along with your hair."


"No buts!" Padmé continued on to the bathroom and ran a warm tub. She decided that bubbles were a good idea, though she's not sure why. She hadn't seen bubbles much back on Riejh, they still fascinated her.

Doe's shirt and vest were already off. Padmé removed them to clean the cuts. Doe let Padmé take their pants off without objection, then allowed her to lower them into the tub. Neither cared about the nudity. Well, Padmé looked away, because she did care. Virgin, remember?

Doe tensed when the water touched them. They told Padmé that the water Hinda let them use was cold, usually. Two minutes of cold water a month. Padmé had weekly baths back at the girls home, at least then she had warm water. Not that hot water was very hard to get, the planet was hot all the time. And sandy. Padmé shuddered remembering that place. She hated sand.

Then she also remembered that her father killed everyone there. The girls she'd grown up with, all dead. All dead because Ms. Zomm knew something she shouldn't have. It was stupid. Although, at least now she had her family back. As long as they don't send her away, she'd be fine.

"Who are you?" Padmé said, reaching for a sponge to wash her friend's back.

"I'm Doe, Padmé"

"No, really." Doe turned to look at her, and they finally looked soft. They'd been hard for a long time, too strong. Now they were a kid again.

"I..." they looked scared.

"Oh, I'm sorry-"

"No. You deserve to know." Doe looked around the room, lowered their voice, and turned to Padmé. She was sitting on the edge of the tub, intrigued.

"I've lived here for as long as I can remember. Illegally, underground. Hinda keeps me there, and I only get to come out to run errands for her. There's a girl, that stayed with me. Hinda's daughter, even though we were treated exactly the same. I think she's still with Hinda. Her name's Lodd..."


"Sorry. What I'm trying to say is that I'm nothing. I'm illegal, I'm a pirate, a slave. There's not a single person that loves me in the whole galaxy." Doe stopped, and slowly tipped their head back, to be in the water.

Padmé felt a tear, threatening behind her eye. She blinked it away, and took a deep breath. She quickly promised herself that she'd look after Doe. She'd be the single love in the galaxy.

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