I Promise (32)

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She supported the weapon with both hands. The two competitors picked weapons, drawing out the process by refusing to leave one another's sides.

Opa Ren swung the sword in a big circle, reminding them exactly what was happening. She followed them with her eyes. They looked so weak. He looked smaller. She... well, she was always small, but now she looked defeated.

Finally, he picked something up. She followed quickly, and the fight began. Opa Ren let the man who fathered her take the first swing.

The battle axe found the floor with a thud.

"Too slow." He swung again. "Poor form."

It continued like that for a while. He wasn't trained with this weapon, that much was obvious. It was easier than dodging Hir Ren's stars, which became easy after a month.

"I wanted to fight the both of you." She noticed Rey watching. Waiting. So, Opa Ren attacked for the first time she'd gotten into the Pit. Of course, the woman dodged it, but now she was involved.

"How old are you? You must be young," he took a step back

"Poor thing..." her mother cooed. The sight was disgusting.

"I'm old enough. Better than you, evidently."

"We aren't trained with these weapons."

"That much is obvious. Here-" she pulled Rey's light saber out, and offered it to her. Her eyes sparked with a fire that she'd never seen. "will this help you put up a better fight?"

"Where did you get this?" She grabbed it.

"Picked it up off of some rat. Stupid girl-"

"What did you do to my daughter?" They circled each other with careful steps, dancing. Rey's eyes never left her face. She looked terrifying, fierce, almost animal-like. Opa Ren hardly noticed the sand swirling around their boots.

"I killed her. Boiled her insides, right after I slit her lover wide open. How she screamed."

"No. You're- you're lying!" She attacked. Green hit red with a fantastic eruption of color, like fireworks in America, and the Knights erupted in a cheer. Someone threw Ben a light saber, and the fight really began.

Opa Ren was well trained, but she still struggled to keep up with both of their attacks. Swinging left and right, ducking under blades, making sure not to kill them until she could make a show of revealing herself. She noticed the whole crowd engulfed in the match.

"No!" She and Ben on the ground before her. "Don't hurt him- please! Kill... kill me instead."

She watched as her mother knelt, with her hands over her head and her weapon by her side.

"Oh, I'll kill you, don't worry about that." She picked her father up by the ear, throwing him beside his wife. "I've just got to make you hurt, first."

She brought the sword up with both hands. One of her father's legs was cut off. He writhed in agony, falling over. Rey cried out, and watching her face was priceless.

"This is your fighting arm." She cut it off at the elbow. This pain... it was perfect.

"Before you kill us." He sat, ignoring his leg and his pain. "Take off that mask. I know why you wear it. So you take it off. You be human, when you take our lives."

The Daughter of ReyloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora