Chapter 1-Trapped

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"Faster Kaylee" I scream as we run towards the borders of our pack territory, pushing my human body to run faster. In a split second Kaylee is beside me as we enter the border, the guards allowing us through as we collapse on the grass.

By now I'm already in hysterics clutching my stomach as I listen to Kaylee burst out laughing beside me as well, we both had dried leaves tangled in our hair and dirt smothered across our faces. "I can't believe you poked that bear you idiot" she giggles shoving me playfully. "Yes unbelievable Peyton" a voice booms from behind us. I know it's Grayson, our pack alpha straight away. I stay laying on the ground and look up at the figure looming over me, his arms crossed, a scowl on his face. I mimic him causing Kaylee to cover her hand over her mouth having another laughing fit. "Poking the bear again?" She whispers. I wink back at her and she rolls her eyes.

Grayson growls grabbing my forearm and lifts me up practically dragging me away while he mumbles about danger and rules. I turn back and Kaylee gives me a sympathetic look as she follows us towards the pack mansion.

As Grayson enters his beta Adam follows into step besides him "another trip outside?" He smirks raising an eyebrow "yeah we-" Grayson interrupts giving me an angry glare. "Don't encourage her Adam, and take Kaylee to her room please I'm putting them both on house arrest until further notice" he commands. Adam bows his head, leading Kaylee away as I whine "really gray, freakin house arrest?" He ignores me as we continue to walk around the mansion heading to our council room.

He opens the doors pushing me in as I scowl at him. My mother is inside peacefully sitting in her chair talking to our packs head warrior and a few other elders. She looks so elegant her long gray hair smoothly put back into a plait her arms folded nearly in front of her. At first glance you wouldn't have guessed she was as old as she is.

I wait silently in the corner as we are joined by Adam and a few other warriors. I listen to them talk about news about foreign packs and normal council stuff and I'm quickly growing bored until my name is mentioned and I straighten up. "Peyton was found with Kaylee again just coming back from one of their little outside trips into the forbidden lands" Grayson states smoothly and calmly like he wasn't throwing me to a pit of wolves, well yeah technically he was but still.

"Kaylee? The packs healer?" An elder questions "yes I believe so" another pipes in "I have already seen to their punishment and there will be guards posted outside each of their doors for extra precautions" Grayson replies "traitor" I mumble under my breath. I wasn't worried before but I am know as I watch my mother sitting their silently. She wasn't normally the silent type but when she was, it wasn't good.

"Come here Peyton" my mother commands and I quickly stumble over to stand beside her "you will accept this punishment, I expect more from you, as a high ranking member of this pack I expect you to show more responsibility. You are putting your brother in very difficult situations and he cannot be seen covering up for his little sister all the time, you don't want someone to challenge him as alpha do you?" My mother speaks harshly "no of course not I just-" She sticks her palm out "Enough" and waves me away.

I look at my brother and see a hint of regret in his eyes he obviously didn't think mum would be so harsh on me. I can tell he just wanted to teach me a lesson. I storm out walking upstairs into the head living quarters into my room. Grayson wasn't kidding when he said he'd put guards on post because their was already two standing out the front of my doors. I poke my tongue out at them before slamming my doors behind me. I knew I was being immature and that these rules were here to protect me, it still didn't stop me from feeling alone.

I walk over to my balcony opening up my hammock and lay down as I looked up at the stars. My brother wouldn't leave me in my room for house arrest, he'd have to let me out sooner or later, I hoped.

The next day was fun and by fun I mean I was caught more than once attempting to sneak out my window, which didn't go down well with the guards. I eventually gave up and was presently laying on my bed attempting to be dramatic when there's a knock on the door "come in Romeo" I speak mustering my best acting voice. Kaylee steps in bowing "my sweet Juliet I've come to take you away" she replies with a wink, I sit up straight "how did you get out of your room?" I huff "I talked to Grayson and he is so kindly allowing us to go out for the day to the gardens and then tonight to the celestial dance" Kaylee explains while excitedly dancing around the room.

My expression changes and I lay back down covering my face with a pillow.

The celestial dance was basically a night out in the pack mansion held every year for people to find their mate, normally I would be up for partying with Kaylee but I hated the celestial dance, and I hated the idea of finding a mate even more. It would be like having another Grayson around, ew.

Kaylee however could see my decision written clearly on my face "oh no" she protests dragging me off my bed "your going with me tonight, you don't have a choice, please come Payton" she pouts dramatically lowering her bottom lip like a child. "Fine, but you owe me".

The next few hours pass by as we hang around in the gardens and then spend the rest of the afternoon laying by the pool lazily. I'm already half asleep when I'm suddenly pushed of my chair by a bunch of idiots running past. "Hey do you mind" I growl wolf rising to the surface "sorry bro" one of them laughs holding his hands up then they continue to run off, except one who strolls over helping me up "sorry about my friends" he says kindly. "You should be" I reply which earns me a kick in the leg from Kaylee. I sign "I mean, that's alright"

I gaze up into his eyes which are as blue as the sky a speck of dark blue here and there and his short brown hair is pulled back to keep it out of his eyes. I notice our packs tattoo on his shoulder disappearing beneath his shirt.

Each pack had a tattoo representing which alpha you belonged to weather you were born into the pack or joined. Our pack tattoo was a simple tribal swirl which started on our shoulders and came to rest on our stomachs.

"A new member I presume?" I say finally remembering how to speak again. "Yep just got accepted today" he replies proudly I nod "well welcome" I turn to walk away starting to pick up my things. "Hey um I was wandering will you be at the celestial thing tonight" he stumbles over his words and I silently laugh "maybe" I smile before walking back to my room.

It wasn't until I was back in my room that I realised, I had never asked for his name.

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