Chapter 18- Pressure

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I wake up to shouting and chaos. I slowly open my eyes and see that Grayson and Amhara had gotten free and are fighting side by side against the guards who stood protecting mother and the others who stood back like cowards. I sat up with a groan wiping the blood from my mouth. "Take it easy" Kaylee orders as she heals Luca. "Stay here" I say as she rolls her eyes at me. Pack members were starting to arrive and attack as well leaving Grayson and Amhara defenseless. A man raises his sword to cut Grayson down and I bolt in between pushing him back with my power. He falls into the wall his weapon clattering to the ground as others beside him are pushed back as well.

"We need to get out of here" Amhara yells. I hear struggling and see Kaylee being attacked leaving my back defenseless I run back over and pick up a fallen sword cutting each fighter down. Someone falls behind me and I turn to see Luca saving me from being stabbed. I drop the weapon and he grabs my shirt pulling me into a hug "I'm so sorry" he says "don't you dare apologize"

He nods sadly and smiles "As much as I'd like to stay like this-" he punches an attacker as he tries to jump on Luca "we've gotta go" he finishes.

We push through the chaos and get to the doors slipping through, I let everyone go through before me, but Luca just stood behind me like a rock with his arms folded, obviously I was going next. We slip out the front doors to freedom but I stop a horrible feeling stuck in my stomach. "We have to destroy the serum they have" I say before anyone could argue I rush back in ignoring the yells of the others. I find the room where Ian kept me and opened the cabinets finding all the serum , smashing them to the ground, I find a matchbox lighting the room on fire and leave.

Half way to the exit I run head first into Luca and I fall landing on top of him. He grins grabbing my waist "you are a little suicidal thing are you" he jokes "I'm going to have my hands full aren't I?"

"If you can handle me" I say my face inches away from his. "Let go of my sister before I rip your throat out" Grayson says annoyed as I look up to see the others standing in front of us. "The whole place is burning down, what else would your sister be doing" Kaylee says antagonizing Grayson. I poke my tongue out at her and get up Luca standing behind me gripping my hand tightly.

We leave the pack mansion behind and hopefully my mother and those traitors along with us. "I'm sorry I left" I say to Kaylee as we head through the forest. "You were protecting me, I would have done it for you. I hug her tightly and fall back into line with Luca.

"I can feel your pain" he announces after a few moments. "She wasn't much, but she was still my mother" I mumble and he pulls me into a strong hug calmly me instantly. "Your a lot stronger now that your some super wolf" I laugh and he eases up on the hug "strong enough to protect you" he says as I try to run away, he pulls me back by my waist and I laugh. "What are you up to back there" Grayson yells and I see Amhara smack him over the head gently as Kaylee laughs at us. "Lets pick up the pace guys, we've got to get home, and soon"

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