Chapter 11- Caught

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I wake with a searing pain in my head and stand up reaching for my katana but it's not in my belt, I suddenly remembered what happened and look around.

I was in a cell with bars but it was a clean room with polished floor boards and walls and one window in the corner. Amhara was already awake looking out the window her arms tied behind her back with silver, her wrists were already red and raw from the silver.

Pure silver stopped our powers from working so Amhara couldn't use her alpha power in here. As I look around I realise why I felt so horrible, the whole room was made out of silver, even the bars. Kaylee was still unconscious on the floor and I run over to her checking her pulse "she's fine" Amhara speaks still staring out the window, I nod even thought she couldn't see.

Ian and hunter were no where to be seen and I slowly slide myself down the wall putting my head in my hands what had we gotten into.

A few days pass, at least that's what I think, there was no way to tell the time here but I noticed they gave us food only at night and then once in the morning, I started counting the days from the second night.

Kaylee had woken up the night we arrived and she attempted to heal my cut leg but her powers didn't work in this cell either. I was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling like I normally did, Kaylee was asleep and Amhara was doing what she normally did, stare out the window intensely , she looked at it like it was going to suddenly burst open.

I turn to see the boy from before staring intently at me from the other side of the cell ,I limp over and grab the bars not caring for the burns they gave me "I will kill you" I spit. He shrugs and brings a seat over "comfortable?" he questions raising an eyebrow watching my hands burn I let go and flip him off. "Your a feisty thing" he laughs I just ignore him and go back to staring at the ceiling. "Luca your wanted" another guy says and Luca stands up giving me one more look before walking away.

I hate how he watched me with such curiosity, like I was some animal in a zoo, well technically I was an animal, shut up Peyton I tell myself, this was no time for jokes.

Luca came back again at night and I didn't have the energy to insult him so I stayed laying on the floor , my leg had gotten worse and I could barely walk on it. He opened the cell and shut himself in, yeah like I could run out you idiot, I thought to myself.

He walked over to me and leant over looking at my leg "we're going to have to send a doctor in" he goes to touch my leg and the urge to run took over and I crawl to the other side of the room hurting my leg even more, I grit my teeth in pain. "Fine I won't touch you then" he holds his hands up in defeat leaving the cell angrily.

Amhara looks at me curiously, she didn't say anything even though I knew she had something to say. "Do you think they have something to do with what's going on?" Kaylee whispers and Amhara nods "there's a high possibility."

Luca came back hours later with guards on either side of him, "you and your healer can step outside of this cage so she can heal you then your going back" one of the guards says and I laugh "why?"

"Cause we don't want no dead prisoner to have to clean up" the other replies with a grunt. Lucas eyes don't meet mine as Kaylee half lifts half drags me outside of the cage, immideanlty the guards surround us leaving us no exit point. Kaylee grabs my leg and I bite down on my lip as she heals me. As soon as the guards see I've healed they drag us both back inside locking the doors.

"We need to get out of here, find the boys and leave" Kaylee says "what are we going to do?" I sigh.

"I have a plan" Amhara says from the corner of the room.

5 minutes later and our plan was set, now it was just time to put it into action. I start screaming as if I was in horrible pain and Luca comes to the door. "Her wound came back, the silver is reversing it" Kaylee states hovering over my leg. Without thinking he rushes in only to get hands wrapped around his throat by Amhara. "Get us out of here" she hisses and he nods.

The cells were all empty as we passed, we finally found the boys at the end cell, Ian was leaning against the wall and hunter appeared to be asleep. "Let them out" Amhara commands and Luca grabs the keys opening the door. "Son of a b-" Ian leaps onto Luca but Amhara pushes him of "this isn't the time" she growls and Ian backs away turning towards me. He hugs me and I pull him closer hugging him back. Turns out hunter wasn't asleep but had been knocked out so as soon as Kaylee healed him, Luca took us to the exit and we found all our weapons and supplies thrown near the door.

We all bolted from the underground cells rushing towards the forest. Amhara had let go of Luke and left him at the exit. I didn't even make it half way to the first before I stopped a gut wrenching feeling in my stomach. "Amhara" I yelled and she stopped turning around. "They'll kill him after they find out he let us escape."

She gives me a swift nod and I turn back. "You coming?" I growl and he nods running into the forest with us.

We all gathered together after we stopped running when we thought the coast was clear. "What the hell is he doing here?!" Ian yells after seeing Luca catch up with us. I step in front of Luca automatically "they would have killed him Ian!" Ian doesn't say anything and let's it go. I quickly move away from Luca and follow the others as they head off. "Were on the road again" hunter starts singing and suddenly I wished they would have killed me back there.

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