Chapter 12-The Village

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"If we go around the mountain it will take to long" Hunter sighs as him and Ian argue over which route to take "we need to go to the village they have supplies and we can rest in an inn there for the night" Ian argues.

I rub my eyes and shake my head, they had been arguing over this for hours now. We had set up camp again on the side of the road and everyone had been on edge since our escape.

I stand up and walk away needing to get some fresh air I go and sit under a tree picking at the leaves "why do you hide in the shadows all the time?" I ask still playing with the leaves. Luca steps forward and sits in front of me "I don't want to leave you by yourself" he states like it was an odd question for me to ask. I wait for him to explain and he sits down in front of me. "I feel like I owe you for saving my life" he whispers and I nod and don't say anything.

We stay in a comfortable silence me playing with the ground and Luca silently watching me.

After a few minutes I stand up and tell Amhara I'll take the night watch, I wasn't tired and didn't feel like sleeping so I grabbed my weapons and sat on a large rock nearby staring out into the forest path.

I can feel Luca walk up and sit on the other side of the rock and I grow annoyed "I can look after myself, I'm not some stupid damsel in destress" I say harshly he doesn't say a word and I hear him stand up and leave, I nod to myself good the more I distanced myself from everyone the better, I needed to find my brother and no one was going to stop me.

The night watch was normal , a few bunnies and deer ran through the bushes and kept alerting me but I eventually got used to it. The sun rose quickly that morning and everyone was already packed and ready to go by the time I walked to camp.

"We've decided to take the village route" Ian says and Hunter scoffs "you've decided" he says and pushes past me to start walking I give Ian a confused look and he just shrugs. "That guy has serious problems" I say and Ian laughs "I agree."

We entered the busyness of the town a few hours later. Merchants were here and there bustling around the place attempting to sell their goods.

Amhara decided we should split up and ask for information I had planned to go with Ian but Luca had ended up going with me instead after he argued with Ian. This whole debt thing was getting on my nerves but I let it go. The rest of the group split up again then went to the other side of the town.

This town was beautiful. I ran my hands along the wall as I walked down a beautifully old alley way and I came out the other end in the main square of the town. An old lady was at her cart selling old fabrics so I'd thought I'd go there first, but I had to be careful this wasn't a wolf town and had many different species in it and I couldn't start fights.

The old woman was holding her fabric in the air and inspecting it as I came over "excuse me"

She places the fabric down and smiles "how can I help you dear?"

"I was just wondering if you've seen any strange groups wandering around lately", her eyes turn dark and she looks around "do not go looking for trouble girl it will come to you eventually this is not something you want to get tangled in" she says and walks away her with her cart moving somewhere else I suddenly realised her cart was floating, she was a witch.

I'd never actually met a witch before, I knew they were powerful beings but they were very rare and normally weren't seen in plain site, especially at markets. I shook my head that was so weird.

I went over to more people but no one had any information I felt Luca follow me the whole day but he never actually talked which I didn't mind.

I walked over to the edge of the market place and sat down on a patch of grass exhausted the sun was setting and I had to get back and find the rest of the group. I stand up wiping the dirt of my cloak and go to the inn we all agreed to meet at.

Luca went to his room without a word and I went into mine. This inn was nothing like the town and had a more creepy feeling to it, it felt all wrong.

I tried to go to sleep but couldn't so I decided to go for a walk around the town. There were lanterns lit all over the buildings and people dancing in the square for a party.

I walk away from the noise and go back to the bridge near the forest and look out at the water. It's all quiet but the soft breeze that was rustling the trees and I close my eyes.

I suddenly hear a male voice talking from under neath the bridge I hold my breath and listen. "We are in the town for the night, then I'll take them straight to the compound, yes I know they've been asking too many questions but I've got some news, we have a rogue traveling with us that could help, yes- but, ok yes I'll keep you updated goodbye" I move back and pretend to be looking out the water when the man steps out from under neath the bridge and looks right at me.

I nearly fall over with shock and have to grip the edge of the bridge to calm myself, whatever was going on with these wolfs was worse than I thought, I knew I was screwed.

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