Chapter 23- Sweet Revenge

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"If we die today, we die for our pack, if we die today we die for family!" Grayson yells holding his sword up. The packs cheers and he points his sword towards the grey snow pack "attack" he screams.

Our archers hit the other packs front line with heavy fire but the cowards run back throwing others in their spot. I swing my sword left and right knocking down anyone in my path, I had my sights on Piers who was fighting Grayson.

I sneak up behind him and Grayson nods leaving Peirs to me. He turns around before I get to hit him and we lock into a fight each blocking the other persons hits.

"How is it your not dead yet" he hisses as I block another hit "I've been waiting to kill you" I scream and cut his leg. He cries out in pain but doesn't fall.

We keep fighting as Piers starts to laugh "I see no ones protecting your healer?" He mocks and I turn around and see Hunter sneaking up on Kaylee as she heals a fallen warrior.

I scream her name but no one hears as Hunter stabs his sword through her chest.

I fall but Piers catches me from behind holding me up with his arm "such a shame". he whispers in my ear. Then with one quick movement like hunters, he stabs his sword through my chest.

I fall as he pushes the blade out and walks away. I can hear Luca scream from somewhere nearby. I cover my stomach with my hands to stop the bleeding but it doesn't help so I let them fall beside me.

I cough and blood runs out of my mouth as I gasp for air. Luca rushes over and cries out as he puts his hands on my bleeding stomach. My vision was getting blurry and I wanted to shut my eyes so badly.

It's funny how when you think of death you think of a peaceful place, no pain, no heart brake or hate. I wanted death to take me as I watched Grayson run up beside Luca and fall to his knees as he screams for me. His pain hurt me
more than mine.

I wanted to join Kaylee in death and be with my best friend again, I turn my head as I see Kaylee crawling towards me as she grabs my hand and we lay together, what an odd dream to have, Kaylee was dead?

I squeeze her hand not caring if it was a dream and I close my eyes letting the pain leave me.
I wake up with a groan and turn over in the bed as I pull the blanket towards me. Wait what. I sit up quickly and hiss in pain as my stomach protests. I look around and notice I'm in our hospital wing. An IV pole was attached to me pumping medication into me.

In the corner of the room I see Luca asleep in a chair which what looked to be a very uncomfortable position.

I pull the needle out of my arm and try to stand up but fall to the floor making a loud thud. I look over the bed but Luca was still asleep. I grab my stomach and stand up holding on to the Iv pole for support.

I get out the door and walk down the hall a nurse walks past and gives me a suspicious look before running away, great.

In less than a minute Luca was beside me picking me up "do you like causing mischief?" He huffs as he carries me back to my bed.

I ignore him "where's Kaylee?"I ask my heart in my throat.

Luca sits down in the bed and grabs my hand.

"When you fell Kaylee saw you, she was dying but able to crawl over to you, somehow when she touched you her power met with yours and nearly killed the rest of us but brought you both back from the brink of death , we still don't know how it happened or what this means, but it's going to change everything" he says happily and I smile just glad Kaylee was alive. "Also after Grayson saw you hurt he hunted down both Piers and Hunter and killed them both, so we're finally free."

For the rest of the day I happily let Luca take care of me, I even let him feed me horrible hospital food.

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