Chapter 13- Trust

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Ian stood calmly in front of me "what are you doing out here?" He asks "I- ah needed some f-fresh air" I say stumbling over my words "I better go back" I say quickly before heading away I turn back and see him standing there still staring at me, once he's out of sight I sprint back to the inn and run up the stairs.

I needed to tell someone but who could I trust? Ian was in my own pack!,I grab Kaylee out of her bedroom and tell her to be quiet as she follows me. I knew I could only turn to one other person as I knock on their door leaning against the wall as gasp for breath.

Luca opens the door,once again not wearing a shirt and I run in slamming the door behind me after kaylee comes in. "put a shirt on" I say turning away he's silent then I hear his draws opening and I figured he had put a shirt on so I turn back around to face him.

"We need to get out of here" I say to them both, Luca raises an eyebrow "and why would that be?" I get angry "Luca please something's going on and I don't know who to trust but I know we can't stay here any longer" he nods and sits down "then tell me what happened" I sigh and sit down on the carpet and explain to him what happened with Ian, and what I had overhead.

"Do you know anything about what's going on with these rabid wolves?" I ask Luca "no our pack wasn't apart of it that I know of we were just as clueless as you"

I nod and Luca stands up and starts packing and I take that as a sign of agreement, "wait here" I say to Kaylee.

I go back to my room to grab my weapons when I hear the door shut and the lock turn. I spin around just as Ian shoves me against a wall his hands around my throat "snooping around at night were we?" He says gripping my throat tighter "please- Ian , you don't" he interrupts me "I don't have to do this? Of course I do" he smiles and lets me go as I fall to the ground. I silently laugh, he had underestimated me. I was an alpha.

I kick his legs and he falls to the ground I don't have time to reach for my bow so I grab my knife and slice his cheek, he screams in pain and lunges at me, I side step him letting him run into the wall and he blacks out leaving time for me to run out.

I head straight for Luca's room and open the door he's still packing and I slam the door shut locking it.  "there's no time we have to go" I open the balcony doors and look at the ground below, it looked painful but we had no other choice as Ian starts to knock the door down, I take a deep breath and jump.

I fall on a bush and it breaks my fall Luca follows swiftly and soon after Kaylee jumps.

We quickly hop out of the bushes and run as fast as we can towards the forest.

Was there no one I could trust?

We had spent the past few days on the run never stopping long enough to leave any tracks or signs that we were there. "Sorry about your boyfriend" Luca speaks as we where walking along a dirt road near the forest. "He wasn't really my boyfriend" I mutter and Luca just nods putting his hands in his pockets.

"I don't think we're being followed so we should set up camp and sleep here for the night" Kaylee shouts from in front of us. "Are you sure?" I question. "We have to sleep sooner or later" Luca agrees and I shrug, sleeping was where my nightmares where I'd be happy not to sleep again.

After cooking what seemed like chewy bark we ate and all found a place near the fire to fall asleep. Lets just hope Kaylee was right.

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