Chapter 14-Break in

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"You can't protect them" a voice taunts around me and I sit up looking around. I was in the forest still but Ian was in front of me his new scar on his cheek still red. "Traitor" I yell at him and go to stand up but I can't move my body completely paralysed. Ian laughs "its fun what can be done in a dream."

He walks closer grabbing my face with his hand "if you want to see your brother again I suggest you listen carefully" my breath caught in my throat and I stayed silent "leave Luca and Kaylee or bring them do their deaths I don't care but if you are not at the Grey Snow pack compound in 2 days I will find you , and trust me I will kill you all." He smiles before letting my go and I wake up.

I had to end this now, I was sick of being pushed around by everyone telling me what I should do, but I needed to find Grayson so I left before Luca and Kaylee  woke up I took one last look at them both before I left, i wasn't going to burden them with the choice to come, id get them both killed. I was going to the Grey Snows pack land, and I was going to kill them all.

I stopped at a near by village as I asked for directions to the Grey Snows pack land they directed me north, it was a days journey and I set of straight away.

I used my bow to hunt for food, it was to risky for me to change into my wolf form so close to another packs land.

It was midnight when I reached the border of the packs land, I was hiding behind the protection of the trees as I watched the guards stand at the gate.

I planned to go through the back way were there weren't as many guards so I circled around staying in the shadows and went to the back gate.

Once I was close enough I snuck up behind one of the guards strangling him until he slept. The next guard was further away so I drew my bow and struck him in the chest, he silently fell and I shot him again to make sure he'd stay silent.

I climbed through a window careful not to fall and shut it behind me slowly. I was in what looked like a large kitchen, I had to try and make my way down to the cells and find Grayson.

I left the kitchen and searched a few hallways before I found a flight of stairs leading down, I followed them until they stopped opening up into a giant basement, this wasn't a cell but it still looked like a prison so I searched around.

It was pitch black and with no light I walked around blind. Careful not to stumble over things. I was going fine until I hit the wall with my toe "shit" I hiss out pain. "Peyton?" A croaky voice speaks from the other corner of the room. I run over to it and lean down "who's there?" I ask.
"What are you doing here?" The voice asks. And I knew it was my brother, I'd found him.

I hug Grayson and didn't plan on letting go until a light is switched on blinding me momentarily. I turn and see Ian standing at the bottom of the stairs looking bored. Two guards come down and grab me I scream and kick as they take my weapons. I manage to kick one of them off and try attack the other but Ian comes over and punches me in the middle of my stomach and I fold over in pain "you touch my sister again Ian and I'll rip your throat out" Grayson yells as he crawls over to me.

Ian laughs and ignores Grayson, both the guards leave after Ian says it's ok. "Make yourself comfortable" Ian laughs and shuts the door before heading back upstairs. "Coward!" I scream, but all my voice does is echo around the room falling on deaf ears.

I was starting to get sick of this whole prison thing.

I didn't have the human strength to kick the door down so I decided to shift instead. Stepping back I shift into my wolf hearing my bones crack before turning on all fours. I wasn't necessarily a large wolf but I was strong. I loved myself as a wolf even though I wasn't large I had beautiful black fur and the bottom of my paws where a light grey.

Running towards the door I ran my head straight into it, I expect it to be knocked down but instead it opens causing me to skid into a wall. "Bad pup" Ian laughs and stabs me in the neck with a large needle. I wimp and feel dizzy staggering back inside the cage. I scream as I'm forced back into my human form my wolf being trapped by whatever serum he had given me.

He throws a pair of clothes to me as I lay naked on the floor. "Let's not try that again ok sweety" he says bluntly before slamming the door.

"Peyton why are you here?" Grayson groans. I finish getting dressed and walk over to him. "I wanted to rescue you, your my big brother and I can't do this without you" I cry and he pulls me into a hug. "I've over heard someone the guards talking, someone has created a serum to inject into your wolf driving them rabid, it's like a super drug, they can also be controlled like some robot" Grayson whispers. "We have to get out of here and tell the others."

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