Chapter 5- Decisions

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I race over to the gate, people had started to run from the mansion to see what was happening I had to push past most to get to the front and what I saw made bile rise to my throat, the guards that had accompanied my brother and Adam on their journey had barely returned with their lives and some already lay dead.

"Where is he" I shout searching for my brother in the crowd of the fallen, "he didn't make it back, I'm sorry luna" Adam whimpers, I fall, not caring for the hands that attempt to catch me, my brother, gone.
"Payton I need you to nod if you can hear me" I can hear someone talking to me but I don't answer, why should I? "She's perfectly fine, she's just in shock kaylee, please calm down and step back" Kaylees here? I turn my head and see Kaylee in tears beside me I open my mouth to speak but shut it, there was nothing to say. "Take her to her quarters and have extra guards patrol the doors" the doctor says sternly before leaving. Kaylee had to basically carry the weight of my body because I was in to much shock to move, and I couldnt move even I wanted to.

Half way back to the mansion I hear running and someone yelling my name, Kaylee lifts me into someone else's arms "I love you Peyton" she says before running back to the hospital. I'm carried back up into my room.

I slept for the next day not waking up once, all I really wanted to do was not wake up at all, just sink into my bed, stay numb.Yet I knew what needed to be done and I knew my brother would never act this way as the alpha. I sat up in bed pushing the covers off me I walk over and open my blinds jumping when I notice someone was fast asleep in my arm chair.

Ian wakes up when he hears me move and stands up quickly "I'm sorry, Peyton asked me to stay with you while she healed the others" for some reason I wasn't mad, I was kinda glad Ian was with me. "Thanks" I smile gratefully. He leaves and lets me get dressed. After pulling myself together I stand up tall using all the power I could muster and walk to the council room.

I burst through the doors were the packs council is already in session "what are you doing Peyton" my mother scowls, I ignore her knowing who was really in charge right now and turn to the packs messanger "send word, I'm calling an emergency meeting"

"With who luna" the messenger says as she writes the details down. I take a deep breath and hope I was doing the right thing "The Pakeha". All at once the council rose into chaos.

~~A/N, sorry this is a short chapter but I'll upload another soon,  I'm just getting started on the drama!~~~~

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