Chapter 20-Home

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It was our last day on our trip back home and I could see our packs mansion from where I stood.

I grab Kaylee's hand and we run towards the gates the sentinels on guard don't notice us until Grayson appears from the tree line they instantly run to the gate opening it up.

We are overrun by half the pack as they surround us cheering and hugging us.

I squeeze through the crowd waving goodbye to Kaylee as I walked to the pack mansion, I didn't want that much attention on me.

I open the main door and bolt up the stairs running to my room, home sweet home.

I ran over the the curtains and opened them wide, I missed the view from my balcony. My door opens then is shut again softly and I hear someone sit on my bed.

"I hope you don't mind me in here, I'm an outsider in this place and I didn't know where to go" Luca smiles awkwardly "your not an outsider now, your part of this pack" I smile kindly. A guard comes to my door shortly after asking if I could meet in the council room, I hated that dam room.

I bring Luca with me and we go to the room. It was full of the whole pakeha council and they all smiled and bowed their heads slightly when I walked  in, I gave Amhara a small hug before sitting.

Amhara explained everything to the council from the rapid wolves to my mother and Ian betraying our back. She asked them all if I could be apart of the council and everyone voted yes. I was extremely happy.

We were about to finish off when Amhara remembers something "oh and one more thing, Peyton if it's ok with you I'd like to help you learn how to use your powers, we have a pack witch where we live and I can arrange you to visit sometimes?" She asks kindly and I nod agreeing instantly " that sounds good thank you" I say before walking back into my room with Luca. As we shut the door I squeal and dance around "can you believe it!?" I say and he just sits their amused at my little outburst.


After someone had shown Luca to his room I went to visit Kaylee and told her everything that happened at the meeting, she was just as excited as I was and we talked afterwards for hours before eventually I fell asleep on her couch to lazy to walk back to my own room. I was finally home, and I couldn't be happier.

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