Chapter 15- Information

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Grayson had been beaten a lot since he had arrived, he told me they had wanted information about me.

"Why would they want information about me?" I asked confused, Grayson leaned himself against the wall "I honestly don't know" I nod and let him fall asleep, he was extremely weak and it was too hard to break out of here if Grayson wasn't strong enough, so I just had to wait.

Ian came the next day he called a guard and they came and dragged me out, I didn't resist this time Ian had threatened to hurt my brother again if I did.

I was taken into a smaller white room and strapped into a chair then shut in with Ian. He watched me for a few minutes and I felt sick.

He eventually stalked his way over standing right in front of me. "How do you do it?" He asked curiously and I laugh "do what asshole?" He slaps me across the face and stands up straight again "don't speak to me like that" he regains himself then speaks again "your fighting skills are extremely advanced for someone like you, how have you tapped into your powers so soon?" He asks truly curious. I'm just plain confused "what?" I ask giving him a stupid look, he just stares "seriously .....what?" He narrows his eyes at me and walks back to the door and knocks twice.

He murmurs something to the guard and comes back over to me. He leans down and tightens me straps as he flicks on a switch near the wall.

He stands back and holds a remote in his hand now "how do you do it?" He asks slowly and I ignore him.

He suddenly flicks the switch and the chair shocks me, I scream until he turns it off after one minute. I lower my head trying to get my breath back but I don't have time because he shocks me again, and again.

Eventually he unstraps me and I fall to the ground, the guards drag me back to the basement. I ignore Grayson as he screams murderous threats at them and curl into a ball as I fall asleep from pain and exhaustion.

The next day Ian came again taking me to the same room, this time there was no chair but a table and a row of knifes each shaped differently.

"I'm going to try something different today" he explains picking up a small knife. "Tell me how you got your powers and I won't hurt you anymore" he says and I growl "I don't know what your talking about you psycho"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, every thousand years our Luna picks a strong alpha that she grants access to use her powers and somehow through some cheat you have used she has given you some of hers" he yells and I straighten up "me?, but I'm not even a proper alpha" I question and he growls "then tell me how you did it"

I couldn't tell him, because I honestly didn't know. He grips the tiny knife and digs it into the side of my stomach just enough for it to hurt but not be fatal. I don't scream though, I wouldn't give this guy any more satisfaction.

"Your an idiot leaving your friends behind, such a pity they could have helped you" he antagonized. He pulls out the knife allowing me to breath again and cleans it putting it back down in the table. "It's a shame really, that you were to stubborn to realize your mate was with you all along" I froze and my heart stopped along with my breathing. Ian looks at me and laughs "you really didn't see it!" He claps "your more naive than I thought, oh this will be wonderful."

I rip of my bindings and barge towards him, he heard me coming and turns around punching my ribs flinging me into a wall. I groan and clutch my stomach stumbling to get up. He lifts me up by the throats and swings me into another wall, I hear my ribs crack and I manage a whimper as I lay in the cold floor. Ian strides across the room but is interrupted as the door opens and a guard rushes in "your wanted in the throne room" he says under his mask and Ian groans and bends down so we were face to face "this isn't over" he warns before stepping out.

The guard stands at the door waiting for Ian to completely leave before running towards me taking of his mask. "Luca!" I cry and he smiles "time to repay my debt I guess" he jokes. He looks down at my bleeding stomach "show me how bad it is" he orders and I lift my shirt up, before I can argue he touches my cheek and instantly I knew Ian was right, Luca was my mate.

He falls back as we are bonded and laughs "it's about time you let me touch you" I was to shocked to speak and I move myself into a sitting position up against the wall. "I can feel your emotions" I exclaim in awe. He moves over to me and places his hand on my stomach "I've heard mates can heal each other" he whispers and stay still as my wounds disappear. He grabs me by hand lifting me up and pulls me into a hug by my waist. "We have to go" I finally speak and he just nods against my neck.

"Lets go kick some ass"

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