Chapter 3- Rogues

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I wake up feeling tired and exhausted as I drag myself to the shower, turning it on I hop in leaving it on cold as I let the water hit me like ice after a few unbearable moments I change it to hot leaning against the wall nearly falling asleep in there. After 10 minutes I turn off the shower and hop out running to my wardrobe trying to change into my clothes before either getting frostbite or falling over.

As I finish getting dressed there's a soft knock at the door, "come in" I yell pulling my shirt over my head. The doors open and Ian steps in "I've been sent to come collect you, there's a council meeting being held and your brother wants you to attend" I sigh and nod before following him up to the top of the mansion to the council room and step inside as he leaves giving me a sympathetic look before shutting the doors.

I'm worried instantly as I face the council all yelling at each other arguing about something. "Silence" Grayson commands sending his full power through the room causing most of the council to fall to their knees. I feel it run through me thought not as strong as I clutch my stomach bowing my head and take a seat.

Once everyone was recovered and seated Grayson reigns his wolf in and stays standing. "What's this about mum" I ask turning to whisper to her. She completely ignores me and stares straight ahead. She obviously wasn't over yesterday, rolling my eyes I pay my full attention to Grayson.

"Now some of you may have already heard about the current situation, those who have not, there has been an attack on the Dawnfall pack, we believe it was orchestrated by a handful of rogues, but the damage and killing done to the pack is beyond normal behaviour for rogues."

He pauses letting the information sink in before continuing "the Dawnfall pack have been one of our allies for a long time and have called on us for help, I have of course accepted and will head out first thing after this meeting to find the culprits. I will be bringing my beta and will appoint my next two men inline to take over for us while we're gone." The council discusses things for awhile which I blanked out for before finishing and leaving.

I wait behind in my chair till everyone has left and it's just me and Grayson. "I'm coming with you" I tell him "defiantly not, you need to stay here Peyton, I need someone I can trust to run the pack" I go to reply but stutter "you - what?" Me, run a pack? I laugh silently to myself. "I'm asking you to be alpha while I'm gone, somethings happening within the packs Peyton,that's part of the reason I'm going on this trip and I need someone I can fully trust to lead the pack" he states calmly.

All I can do is nod as I get up and hug him tightly "be safe" I whisper. "Always" he replies before leaving me in the room. I stand there for while before eventually deciding I needed to take my mind of things.

I quickly get dressed into my training clothes before heading to our indoor gym. I pick up my katana before starting to practice. Every wolf has a weapon, although we have our wolf to protect us there was always ways people can stop us from shifting so we have to be prepared for anything. I had chosen my weapon as a child, although some waited until a mature age. I loved the way it moved with me as if it was apart of me. I had been an expert at using it since I had first picked it up and after Grayson had watched me use it he had gone and gotten one specially made for me for my birthday.

Some time during my workout Lea had come in and sparred with me for a bit. She had heard about the news, she didn't talk about it though knowing it would upset me.

It was dark outside by the time I had finished and I had worked myself so much, I was on the verge of collapsing.

Dragging myself downstairs to the kitchen I grab some food out of the fridge and hop onto the side as I sat making a sandwich. "Hey Peyton what you doing up so late" one of Ian's new friends Zac came in. He had been in the pack only a few months longer than Ian, yet already I liked Ian more, Zac was an idiot.

He walks over to me and tries to hugs me as his arms reach out for my waist "do that, and I'll claw your eyes out without blinking" I say calmly as I continue making my sandwich. "Oh come on, don't be such a bore" he laughs pulling me off the side by my waist. Before I got the chance to grab him an arm comes out from beside me breaking Zacs arm as he's thrown to the ground. "Maybe you should have stayed a rogue" Ian hisses as Zacs mumbles something about me under his breath before stalking off.

I was up against the wall with Ian in front of me he leans forward placing one hand near my head. "I could have dealt with that"

"Oh I know but i wanted to hit him for being an ass in general anyway" Ian jokes. I side step moving away from him as I grab my sandwich. "Well thanks anyway, I'm gonna go to my room now" I say quickly before walking off.

Ian doesn't try to follow me and I make it back to my room without any more drama, I sigh slamming my bedroom doors shut. What was I going to do.

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