Chapter 10- Problem

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Hunter was swinging his sword wildly in front of me to escape the clutches of the long grass and I was just waiting for it to fling back and hit me.

After waking up, which I strongly argued against since Amhara had us up before the sun had even risen, we head out into the forest again since it was the furthest any of us had gone through this forest we had Ian navigate.

After hours of silence on the road a rustling in the bushes suddenly alerts me and I draw my bow pointing to the area "show yourself" I command, the rest of the group stops and draws their weapons as well.

Kaylee stands behind me seeing she was the only one who didn't use weapons. She believed in healing not hurting, I'd hit her for it later.

"Easy alpha I mean no harm" a smooth voice speaks from inside the bushes, I don't lower my weapon "then show yourself, with your hands where I can see them."

A guy steps out of the bushes holding his hands up behind his head, he had long brown hair down to the bottom of his ears but it was tied up bits of it falling to either side of his face, I also noticed straight away that he wasn't wearing a shirt, he looks up at me and his blue and green eyes sparkle "like what you see?" He asks raising an eyebrow "shut up, why were you spying on us" I ask attempting to keep my eyes on his face. " I was just curious to see a bunch of people from different packs all together" so he was a wolf , well that part was always obvious, glad for the clarification though.

"That's none of your business boy" Amhara speaks from beside me he falls to his knees from her power and I lower my weapon along with the others. "Don't follow us anymore, what we are doing is no concern of yours, wolf" she speaks before letting him stand up again.

He looks straight into my eyes and smirks at me giving me a weird feeling in my stomach. "What?" I ask harshly he just shakes his head laughing and winks at me, then stops like he was waiting for something.

He lifts his arm up again running it through his hair and that's when I truly take notice, there was a pack tattoo running down the side of his arm, it was small but there.

Every pack had a tattoo, you could always identify each pack by their tattoo but this tattoo was all wrong, it was mixed which meant this guy was in a rogue pack. There wasn't many but they were horrible packs with no rules and a lot of killing.

I suddenly figured it out as Amhara spoke it "your stalling" she states and suddenly we are ambushed, the rest of the wolfs he had brought jumping out of the bushes with weapons drawn, catching us back to back.

I draw my bow again and see Amhara pull two daggers out of each boot. That women sure did like her knifes. "Lower your weapons, your out numbered" the boy smiles. "Stop playing with them Luca and let's just hurry up" a man says clearly annoyed, I would be to if I had to spent my time with this so called Luca.

He just shrugs and looks at me again. I smile and he falters that's when I strike his pack mate beside him with my arrow hitting him right in the chest. We all move into action as Amhara and Hunter fight one side Ian and I shoot the other I get cut on the leg at some point but I don't feel it that much thanks to the adrenaline rushing through me.

I thought we were going to make it until someone shouts at us , we all turn around and see someone holding Kaylee she was shaking with fear, dammit I shouldn't have left her un protected. "Lower. Your. Weapons" and we do what the guy says.

I'm suddenly hit from behind and I see the others fall to the ground with me. I grasp and claw the dirt trying to stand up but I'm just pushed down again, this time I give into the darkness and sleep.

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