Chapter 6-Distractions

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"You know nothing of what your asking!" One of the elders shout at me, my mother just sits there with amusement silently watching me. "The pakeha haven't been called in years it's to dangerous!" Another council member shouts, they continue to argue amongst themselves before I lose patience "silence" I speak calmly but I know they can feel my alpha power, one by one they all kneel down before returning to their seats, I stay standing to keep my power over them.

"I understand the risk I'm taking my asking this, but I feel like it must be done , we will hold the yearly ball early, as a cover and we shall meet there so it's not suspicious" there are a few nods of agreement before I let go of my power and sit down causing half the room to sigh.

I dismiss the meeting and lay my head on the table letting the coldness of it take away my headache that was now growing. I was so screwed what was I doing thinking I could be an alpha I didn't know the first thing about responsibilities or discipline and yet the pack was looking up to me. I was going to get us all killed.

The council door opens and I hear someone walk in but I'm to exhausted to care who it is. "Wow you look depressed" Ian states as he sits beside me on the table "thanks" I mumble into the table. "I could hear the yelling from the kitchen what did you do to piss the council off so much?" I lifted my head up and tucked the loose bits of hair that had fallen over my face before I replied. "I called for the Pakeha" the surprised look on his face didn't faze me, I knew calling them would always cause a problem.

The Pakeha council is the biggest council in our world made up of the 10 most powerful alphas there is. Our pack doesn't have a place on the table but we do have an alliance with them. Seeing as its a council just made up of the most powerful alphas it's a bit of a problem when they come together because there all major targets,that's why the ball is a perfect cover up, I just hope once they call the meeting they'll hear what I have to say.

"Come on you need to take a break , how bout sparring for a bit take out your anger?" Ian suggested "ok let's go" I basically sprint to the gym in anticipation I didn't realise how much I needed to spar with someone until I got to the gym. Ian arrived a few seconds later looking puffed and put one arm against the wall "jeez ... you.... really.....wanna....hit me....don't you" he says taking deep breaths each time. I laugh at him and shake my head. "Weapons or not?" I ask Ian as I stare longingly at my katana
"Let's try something different, have you ever tried archery?" He asked with an amused look "maybe once when I was little but I can't remember" I shrug "come on then" he takes my hand and pulls me to the outside oval where our archery range was "if you want to be a strong alpha you need to be able to do more than just being able to beat someone up" I watch him curiously as he grabs a black bow of the wall and hands it to me, it was beautiful the bow itself was pitch black but engraved all around it were white swirls making different patterns.

"Who's bow is this?" I ask amazed Ian smiles "it's yours, your brother had it made for you it was going to be a surprise  for your birthday" I nod unable to speak. "Let's do this" Ian hands me my arrows and watches me try first to see how I go. I take a deep breath and stare at the target in front of me, I can do this. And I realised the arrow letting it fly past me into the target I turned and shut me eyes before it hit "how did I do?" I open my eyes and stare at Ian his mouth is wide open "that bad huh?" I wince but he shakes his head and gestures for me to look. My arrow had hit the target perfectly spot on in the middle "try again" Ian mutters before sitting down "ok?" I pick up another arrow and shoot again,I stare in amazement, it had gone through my original arrow and landed on top of it. "Wow, is that normal?" I ask knowing nothing about archery Ian just shakes his head and shrugs "you must just be extremely in tune with your fighting skills,each wolf can access something like that, it's rare but it does happen, that'll get you a seat on the Pakeha" he says seriously "don't say things like that Ian" I laugh and walk back to the gym Ian follows me and we sparr for another few hours before Ian suggests we go eat and watch a movie.

We decide to have a movie marathon of our favourite movies taking turns. It was 3am in the morning by the time we turned the tv off. "I better go then" Ian yawns and goes to stand up "Ian-" he turns and waits, my head was spinning and I spoke before I got the chance to think "please stay, I don't want to be alone" he hesitates and then nods as he lays beside me on the couch and we both fall asleep.

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