facing the truth

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I'm sitting in class while my teacher is giving a lecture on the past moons, when I feel that prickly feeling again. I look around and spot him that stretched out man his eyes boring holes into me, "miss bloodmoon would you like to read the history of Theo Valdez" I turn around quickly and say"ok"
Theo Valdez was one of the last supposedly humans left on earth, he had met Khana moon who in turn was his demise. Khana's father King Duner had detest the humans that were left because they didn't have to bend to the will of the moon. When he seen his daughter in love with Theo he became in raged, it didn't help that she was pregnant by Theo once her father found out he had her hanged and beheaded for good measure. And for Theo he was told that she had left him for another, and that she wanted him dead so he was stretched still declaring his undying love for her.
King Duner hated this and had Theo's eyes cut out, at Theo's last moment of life he was to recorded of seeing a baby boy (his and Khana's son) and of hearing that Khana had a boy with the other man and that her last name was now bloodmoon then he died in a pit of rage, pity, and sorrow for the moons. I looked up and the teacher showed us a painting of Khana and Theo, I looked just like her then next to the picture appeared the man.

I gasped HE WAS THEO a tear slid down my face then I realized it was blood. I asked to be excused and ran out, I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror Theo appeared next to me looking shocked "you cry blood like me." "Where are you getting at" "only my family line does that."

Then 2 voices rang out in perfect unison saying "that's because she is apart of your family" me and Theo both turned to see Khana with a young man holding hands, Theo had started to get angry. The young man stepped forward and said "father it is me your son" I could see the resemblance, Theo stepped forward and said "so young too young for death" Khana spoke at this moment "this is our son Creed my father sent him out to war to die because he could see me and you in the boy" Theo reverted back too normal again Khana and Creed spoke in perfect unison "you have many things to catch up on and thank you Kya" then they vanished. 

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