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Ryan's pov

When Kya fell into the abyss I screamed "KYAAA" I tried running to catch her but I was too late, when I heard the loud thud I collapsed to my knees instantly turning into a wolf. I started to whimper then howled loud and long a few seconds later I heard through the mind link "I'm sorry I can't make it back from this one" I felt a shift like part of me was ripped out of me she's gone.

Ky's pov

Luna and I are running through the school trying to get to Kya, after I heard of the fight we immediately started running. Then I heard a wolf howling in pain, I fell to my knees as if the world just came crashing down on my shoulders, it felt like I couldn't breath "Ky what's wrong" Luna says running over to me "something happened to Kya" then I hear Kya say "I'm sorry I can't make it back from this one" I started to cry no she can't be gone. Despite the feeling I ran to the abyss with Luna.

No one's pov

  As soon as Ky reached the abyss he barged through everyone to see Ryan in her wolf form whimpering. "Who pushed her" Ky asked inraged Ryan communicated through the mind link that Lalonie did it, Ky growled "why would you push your own granddaughter down there?" Evani(ms.PenDragon) spoke next "what's done is done Ky you can't fix it," she slowly walks over to the abyss and uses her power to raise Kya out of the abyss when everyone saw Kya's body they gasped. Kya's body was bent back at an odd angle her eyes were wide open with blood coming out of her mouth, nose, and eyes when Evani set Kya down, Ryan turned normal when Leta gave Ryan Kya's jacket Ryan instantly begin to cry.

  Then there was a deep growling from the distance then a loud roar suddenly Luchisies appeared "what happened to our daughter Evani" he questioned in anger while starring at Kya's body "I had pushed her in it was..." Lalonie started to explain "YOU'RE THE REASON SHE'S DEAD!" Luchisies yelled while starting to transform "you just couldn't wait to get rid of her COULDN'T YOU, just because she is more powerful than YOU EVER COULD BE and the fact that she's more wolf than dragon" they began to argue back and forth.

   "ENOUGH both of you arguing about how and why Kya died isn't going to bring her BACK NOW IS IT!" Ryan yells while crying everyone forgot at the moment that Kya had a mate, before anyone could say anything or go to comfort her she ran off into the woods crying.

Ryan's pov

  She can't be gone she just can't be I stop at a river and stare at her jacket "she's not completely gone she's living through her brother as long as he lives so does she" "YOU KNOW THAT'S A LIE YOU SAW HER fall YOU HEARD the cracking don't lie to me Rain!" I just sit there and cry suddenly I get a text from Luna Luna:KYA'S BODY DISAPPEARED I gasp how the hell does that happen I go to get up but then I noticed that something in Kya's jacket pocket was glowing. I reach in and pull out a ring the same one she got from ms.PenDragon, it looks like a white flame is connecting the wolf's mouth to the dragons mouth. I need to ask ms.PenDragon about this suddenly I have the feeling someone is watching me so I look around, on the other side of the river is a wolf with red blotches on its fur it looks like it has something inscribed on the left side of its front leg but there's burns that cascade up its front legs. I get up and slowly walk over to the edge of the river and call to it "come here I won't hurt you I promise," it walks over to my side hesitantly once it sniffs my hand it lays on my lap like it knows me. I try to get up but the wolf growls instantly, "why do you want to keep me here I need to go so get off" it just growls more "if you get up you can come with me." It finally gets off me I stand up and we start to walk back to the abyss. On the way there I noticed the ring was getting heavier so I looked at it and seen it grew it was the size of a collar so I got the idea to put it on the wolf.

  When we get there it's just ms.PenDragon, Luchisies, Lalonie, and Ky when they see me they run over to me and hug me I start to tear up because of the situation we're in, I heard a growl from the wolf they let go of me then look at the wolf. "This wolf looks so much like Kya" Luchisies says "I almost forgot to ask but is the ring you gave Kya supposed to glow and get bigger," I say looking at ms.PenDragon "um no not at all where is the ring." I bend over and slip the ring off the wolf's neck "wait when I gave Kya the ring it was only a dragon not this plus it was small."

   "Why does this wolf look so much like Kya" I noticed Ky and Luchisies were backing the wolf into a corner, it was growling ready to attack that's when I seen it's eyes they were blood red like Aya "guys leave her be she'll attack you if you dont back off." I say while pushing them away "we're sorry they just look so much alike I mean look she even has the red eyes that only come with the family name," "I know she looks familiar but she's not Kya no matter how much I want her to be she's not." I snap at them I really don't mean to but I just lost my mate.

  I start walking away to Kya's personal dorm when I make it to her door I just stand there starring at the door and start to cry, then I feel something nudge my leg I look down and see the wolf "I haven't named you yet have I?" I have no idea why I'm talking to a wolf "how bout I just name you Aya," we walk into Kya's room I lay on her bed and stare at the ceiling then slowly close my eyes I miss you Kya and I'm sorry.

  I open my eyes and look around to see I'm in a white room then I see her running towards me with a happy look on her face she was screaming something but I couldn't hear her until she got close, she was screaming my name. Right before she got to me there was a sickening crack then blood started coming out of her mouth, eyes, and nose her whole body began to vibrate for a second I saw the wolf in her place before she returned "I will always come back to you baby I promise" she says while reaching out to me then a bright white light blinded me. Next thing I know I'm standing in my room with her infront of me with the look of lust in her eyes "baby what's going on with you," she pushes me on the floor and turns me around and straddles my thighs. "You were with that guy" guy what guy "Vincent he tried to take you from me and then you turn around and talk to the little fucker," she says right before she bites into my neck my eyes roll to the back of my head in pleasure before it starts to burn like my body is being burned from the inside out I scream out in pain.

   I suddenly jolt awake and end up knocking my head into the wolf's head it whimpers in pain "I'm sorry I just had a nightmare" I look into its eyes directly and see that its eyes are black now not blood red "come on Aya lets go back to sleep" Aya cuddles into me and I lay back down and go into a more relaxed dream.

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