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Kya's pov

  I quickly get dressed before I try to wake Ryan up "baby wake up" she groans I bite her neck she instantly pops up man got to love claiming "I'm about to leave babe so unless you want to get left you might want to get dressed" she attempts to get up but stumbles abit I catch her "you going to be ok," she nods her head I let go and she goes over to her bag and takes out clothes to put on. I put on my high tops when Ryan suddenly appears next to me woe "so where are we going" I open my door, "to the abyss("WHAT no we're not going there")I have to("no you don't baby")I don't have time for arguing ether your going with me or not." She sighs and walks out my room once I close it we speed run to the abyss "LALONIE" she appears in front of me "hi Kya" she screams before she hugs me. I hear Ryan growl "she just an over happy person Ryan no need to growl" Lalonie lets go and stares at Ryan confused then she smiles "you guys are mated that's so cute does my daughter know?"

   "Actually that's why I'm here I know who my mother is and she isn't your daughter" Lalonie's smile drops "then how can you wear that ring only family blood can wear it." When she said only family blood can wear it I thought back to how it bit me, "what happens if your not related" she huffs obviously annoyed with my denial "it will attack you effectively killing you you and your brother are her children stop denying it!" she yells I feel Ryan put her hand on my shoulder but I move it off "if she gets to close we might attack" Aya says, "I know I should have just left her at the room" "then who has been raising me then while my so called mother has been doing whatever she wants!" I growl "Kya stay calm" Aya's voice rings through my head "this is pissing me off to the fullest extent of my being so shut up Aya!"

    "It's been her cousin that's been taking care of you and your brother" I just stand there her cousin, I tighten my jaw and turn to Ryan "I'm going to go I need you to go back to my room I'll be back so that I can talk to my mother" I feel my k9s get longer "you have to leave now any slip up can-" "I know Aya!" "Baby I'm not leaving you("just do it")I refuse" she says as she steps closer, "keep her AWAY FROM US" "stop stay away from me before I hurt you" I back up "what's wrong with you" Ryan looks at me with concerned eyes "I don't want anyone to know" I say as I start running I need it!

   I speed run to the middle of the woods and sniff the air I smell bear, I grin your mine now I run towards the bear's scent when I get to it it's trying to attack a pixie person? I run over to the bear and attack it claws the right side of my neck and jaw I can smell it's blood all around me. I pinned it's paws above it's head and tear at it's chest, with my teeth and claws then the bear just stops moving it's still alive but it's not going to fight back finally now I can feed I bite into it's chest and start drinking it's blood then I see the boy move. I get up and walk towards him "please don't hurt me I have blood, if you want it I was just hunting deer and you can have the blood please spare me" he says holding up a pail.

   "I'm not going to hurt you I just want to know if your ok," he nods his head and stops moving away. I feel his leg he winced "your leg is badly bruised and it's swelling," I lay him on a tree "I'll help you up when I'm done feeding." I stretch my hand out towards the pail he immediately gives it to me, "I'm David" I look at him "Kya" I start drinking out the pail when I was done I let him have it "you going to be ok" I pick him up and put his arm over my shoulder "I should be asking you that but for now I'll be fine." On our way back he asked me "what are you" when I told him he was shocked but left it at that I found out he's half pixie half elf and his last name is Kyler.

  I set him down on the bed in the nurse's office "you look like you killed someone with your mouth also your eyes are red plus those big scares on your neck," I laugh "yea I'm going to take care of that." I told him bye then went back to the still bleeding out bear it's breathing ragged, in obvious pain I walk up to it "I'm sorry I did this to you I'm going to put you out of your misery" it closes it's eyes I snap it's neck then continue to drink. I hear a gasp from behind me I don't want anyone to know I'm doing this, so I just look with my eyes RYAN I stop drinking and run forward I run into a deer so we both tumble to the ground it scrapped it's belly on rocks.

   You smell amazing little dear I hear a twig snap to my right but I don't care if she sees I'm hungry I pounce on the deer, kill it and start eating I feel like a monster I stop when I'm finally satisfied. I stand up "Kya" I turn to Ryan she gasps and backs away from me "wait Ryan I can explain" I say getting closer "explain WHAT YOUR A MONSTER YOU JUST KILLED THAT DEER AND A BEAR" she yells I feel my heart brake when she calls me a monster then she runs away.

   I start to cry because I know she's going to tell so I run away to the only person who knows I had to do it Luchisies, I text him that I'm coming when I make it to his mansion I made sure it was his by LB inscribed on the gates I knock on the door he opens it "come in my child" I walk in "your clothes are in your room also there's pineapples on the counter" I grin "thank you father" "also how did you get that scar on your neck my child" "a bear it got me at my moment of weakness father" he nods his head I started calling him father many years ago because it felt like the natural thing to do I never knew his last name though because I never asked, I reach for my phone but it's not there fuck I dropped it oh well I run upstairs and get in the shower I think about school I can't go back and face everyone. Not now not ever...

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