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Kya's p.o.v

I feel the monster dragging me towards the school I try to fight it but its to strong, I feel and hear it breaking doors to get to them at the last door I see my brother Luna and Faith. I yell "DON'T HURT THEM" I

lash out at the beast inside me only to have it lash out at Luna and Faith instead Ky jumped in front of them, Faith screams and that's when me and the beast settle our differences and turn into one now I can see them in first person I whimper because I know I hurt Ky. Someone yells "KILL IT" suddenly I feel a net being thrown over me as soon as it makes contact with me I howl in pain MERCURY I noticed that Ky feels my pain, I lay on the ground with the net over me when they uncover my head I instantly stopped moving Ky yells "LET HER GO" me and the beast would never come to full peace she won't let me, I layed my head down in defeat.

I can hear the sword being brought up over my head I fight to come to terms with my beast I have my eyes closed to concentrate, Ky and I scream "NOOOO" I open my eyes to see that I'm human and that I'm blocking the sword with my forearm as it stings me. I push it off me as everyone stares at me with shock and then cheers I walk over to the window and see the blood moon at it's highest level of intensity for my people and I smile, "KY GET UP IM BACK TO NORMAL" Ky looks up in disbelief he runs over to me and hugs me "I thought I lost you."

I hear mini foot steps I grab Faith and hugged her tight "I'm so sorry if I scarred you little one ("it's ok" she says as she snuggles into me) well lets get this festival started" they turn on the music, Faith started to fall asleep on me I tell Ky I'm putting her in my room.

I walk down the hallway and see my(I finally accepted that me and the beast were the same person) claw marks on the walls I sigh once I get to my doorm I decide to go to my private one that I don't really use. I walk up some stairwell and find myself in a dark hallway with glow in the dark moons painted over the rooms, I make it to mine and open up the door once I close it I tuck Faith in after I put my bear t-shirt on her then, I write a note for her if she wakes up how to get back to the auditorium. When I make it back me and my brother are asked to sing and dance my brother chose a rihanna song I decided to sing (I rarely sing) but I was in a good mood so I sang man eater, this night is getting better. After I was done I got off the stage and went to get some water I walk over to the water fountain in the hallway when I feel someone wrap their arms around me, at first I thought it was Ky until I heard "I'm so glad your ok baby I was so worried" I growl and push her off me she backs up "ok I know your mad at me but baby I'm done with that other guy I haven't touched or talked to him since you left."

  LIES I scream in my head but I play it off "aw that's so good baby" she walks up to me and hugs me with a smile on her face, I hug her back tightly except I have a frown on my face when we pull away I put on a fake smile "I love you so much baby" she says happily looking me in my eyes. I grab her shoulders and look her dead in the eyes "I don't love you you lying conniving cheating bitch it's so fucking over" she gasps with wide eyes it looks like she might actually care "why would you do this to me to us!" She yells "BECAUSE I KNOW YOU LIED WHEN YOU SAID YOU WERE DONE WITH THAT GUY" she shrinks a little but doesn't stand down "yea your right because that guy is your friend Jax" I pretend like I'm hurt it does sting like a tiny bit, at that moment Jax walks into the hallway smirking "you told her yet baby" "yea come look I think she's about to cry" he comes over and wraps his arms around Gotheresa then right in front of me they kissed.

  Right then I stop acting as if I'm hurt and start laughing they turn to me looking shocked "what the hell?" Jax says I keep laughing then put on a straight face they back up out of my reach good "you really think I care if you have her because I really don't, she doesn't matter to me you know if I wasn't so amused to the fact that you two think you broke me I would've torn you two to shreds." I say smiling they look scared "goodbye now" I say walking away, when I get to my personal dorm room I get in my pj's and get in bed I hear Faith mumble in her sleep "I miss my wolfy" I smile sadly at her then shift in my wolf form and lay next to her and she cuddles into my fur goodnight little one.

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