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Over loooong time ago:the meeting grounds:early sun
King/chief Bluestone p.o.v

As I look around the meeting ground I look to my right and see my 3 sons Eagle's Heart, Sharp Arrow, and Sorrow's Cry. I then look to my left and see my beautiful wife Kovea I smile and stand up everyone goes silent, "my people and tribes of this land I called you all here because my sons have found their mates!"
Everyone erupts into cheers I raise my hand again it's silent I say "now there is the issue of the next king" all 3 of my sons stand up "usually it is oldest which in this case is Eagle's Heart" he smirks, "but I want our tribe to flourish among the lands so I've decided to make all of my sons kings after my death Eagle's Heart shall take over this tribe while Sharp Arrow and Sorrow's Cry will make new ones" my sons smiled and so did all the other tribes. "Now lets go back to celebrating!" everyone rejoiced my sons bowed "rise my sons" they rose and said in unison "thank you father"
I sit down in my thrown "why are you not enjoying the party" I don't take my eyes of off my surroundings "I have a bad feeling Kovea a really bad one, it feels as if the end of my life is near." I squeeze her hand "for how much time we have left know I always loved you" she smiled the next thing I know there's gun shots going off and Kovea is laying dead I look around in rage I can feel my wolf coming to the surface, I see some bodys laying around my boys along with other people are being held to the ground when I look in front of me I see a pale face staring at me with a bow and a poisoned arrow.
I growl "WHAT DO YOU WANT" a devilish smile crosses his face "we are here to illuminate the wolf's how many of you are there" "I am the last one left" I spit in his face he draws the arrow back, as far as it can go in my human state I can die easier than when I'm intertwined with my wolf or full wolf "after I kill you we will leave the others alone and that is my word." He lets go of the arrow it strikes my heart and pins me to my thrown soon after they leave my sons and anyone who is alive rush to me "my sons" I say in a raspy voice as death nears "may I name your tribes" they nod yes I smile with gratitude "you are all children of the moon," I bring my hand to Eagle's Heart's head and say "Bluemoon" next was Sharp Arrow "Blackmoon" then the last was my ever angry ever vengeful Sorrow's Cry right before I put my hand on his head I coughed up blood I placed my hand on his head and said "Bloodmoon" I smile then darkness over takes me.

The meeting ground was still used for the moons tribes and others to meet, but there was two chairs that no one ever sat in it was the king and queens thrones. They had remained untouched for eternity it seemed until a little boy and girl sat in the thrones.

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