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Ryan's p.o.v

Fuck where'd she go I put my shorts back on and start running around the school, why can't I feel where she is! I start to panic I see the two girls and that guy talking to Legend, "have you guys seen Kya" "no we thought she was with you what happened" the boy with the white hair said he looks a lot like Kya "she was with me but I did something that made her really pissed off and she just got up and left." "Nice job dumb ass" I turn and growl at Legend "what did you do to make her mad" he asked "she asked if I told my parents that she's a girl I said no because how am I going to tell my parents that there used to be straight as a ruler daughter is now gay."

   "Wow are you that low to where your not even consider your MATES feelings you don't even treat her right, Ky Kya is gone because of her selfishness" Legend said looking at the guy with the white hair I growl "THAT'S ENOUGH YOU TWO!" Ky yells he looks at me "she probably went to her quite place she'll turn up" he huffs and walks away with the two girls, leaving me with Legend I growled at her "stay away from Kya Legend" she just laughs at me "you have two strikes on your head I'm a sun, even though you guys completed your mateing your relationship is vulnerable because of YOU!" She sneers but before she walks away she whispers in my ear "she will be mine" I just stand there shocked.

  I go back to my room when I walk past Kya's room I start to cry, where could she be I just want to tell her I'm sorry. Once I get in my room I check the time it's 9:00 son of a fuck I hurry up and get dressed guess im going alone, I start to cry suddenly I hear a knock on my door I run to it please be Kya I open it to see my sister. "What's wrong sis why are you crying" "Kya's not coming she left and now I can't find her" I say sobbing "I'm sorry sis come on mom & da are waiting." We walk out my room to her car and drive to my parent's house, when we get there my mom and dad instantly know something's wrong.

  "Honey what's wrong and where's your mate" my mom asks "I don't know where she is" "she?" My mom and dad ask I look up "yes my mate is a girl" "oh well ok dinners ready" I sigh if I just would have told them she would have been here, I try to hold back my tears throughout dinner once I get outside with Jeremy I start to cry on her shoulder "it's going to be ok sis she's probably waiting for you in your room." She drives me back to campus "see you around sis" I walk to my room hoping Kya is there but she's not I check the time it's 12:40!

  I text Luna:hey did Kya ever come back I feel my phone buzz Luna:no we tried calling her but she's not answering, I instantly start crying what if something happened to her I lay down and hug her jacket that she left here. She has to come back we have school tomorrow she wouldn't miss it.

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