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Ky's p.o.v

I had just made it inside with Faith she seemed sad "what's wrong Faith" "I know what's happening to her" I look at her in shock "how do you know," "I can feel it" I was about to ask how when Luna came running up to me out of breath "are you o...("did you see the way Kya was!") yea I seen her she'll be fine." I heard a howl in the distance but barely over the music I noticed that goth whore is in the back with Kya's used to be best friend, "baby who's this" I look down and say "our niece Faith" they exchange there hi's and we start to dance I keep a close eye on Faith and everyone.

I leave Faith with Luna to get something to drink when I notice the principal looking very scared and nervous, "what's wrong principal Tal" "the beast is on the way and I don't know if Dough locked all the doors" my eyes widen why would Kya be heading here then it pops into my head the most recent thing that made her angry was......oh no, I look and see the goth chick and Jax by the door!

I start running over to them to warn them when I hear a loud banging it sounds distant but it's still close. Fuck she's here already someone screamed it's here, the principal got on the podium and said "EVERYONE GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR" everyone ran away from it except me, Luna, and Faith "Luna I want you and Faith to move away" the loud banging got closer to the big doors that are in front of me "I'm not going to let you get killed" Luna yelled. Then the doors busted open to reveal my sister in her full bloodmoon form her fur was pitch black with bright red spots her eyes were completely black with blood red rings where her irises should have been, she looked evil when she swiped for Luna and Faith I stood in front of them and wad sliced across the chest it would heal but slowly I groaned in pain.

Faith screamed and that's when everything looked like it was starting to come back to Kya because her eyes had started to turn normal her wolf whimperd then someone yelled "KILL IT" someone threw a net made out of mercury on Kya she cried out in pain as it stung her fur I felt it to, I collapsed out of pain "LET HER GO!!" I screamed they uncovered her head and someone brought out a sword made of mercury Kya stopped moving I instantly knew what they were going too do to her they brought the sword up me and a girl (I don't know who because my eyes were closed) yelled "NOOOOO!!!"

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