The Crate

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By the time the boys pulled into their neighbourhood Niall had been asleep for around more than half of the drive after the boys all stopped dancing and singing.
"Aw bless him, he's so tired." Louis cooed, turning around and rubbing Nialls hand. The boys all nodded in agreement as Liam pulled into their driveway.
"I'll just take him in the carrier. Zayn, help me out?" Harry asked quietly. Zayn nodded and they both got out of the car while the other boys all got the luggage from the car boot.
"Shh shh Niall.." Harry shushed Niall as he began to stir in his baby carrier/car seat. Niall fell back asleep and Liam pressed a pacifier between his lips, watching it bob in his mouth the boys all cooed at the sleeping Irish boy. Harry carried Niall in the baby seat and Zayn helped to make sure Niall didn't wake up, while carrying a small suitcase too.
"Bless him." Liam cooed, pressing a soft kiss to Nialls forehead, he lovingly wrapped a soft blanket around him. Harry carried Niall into the house in the baby carrier, making sure not to wake him he carried Niall into the living room and placed him on the carpet slowly and went to help his bandmates get the rest of the luggage into the house and unpack.
Niall sleepily opened his eyes, looking around him he saw he wasn't in his crib, or his nursery. He was in the living room, and he was in his baby carrier, wrapped in a blue fuzzy blanket. He took the pacifier from his mouth and stretched, hearing faint voices of his bandmates echo around the house Niall gave tried to get up from the chair but something around his tummy was stopping him, he must still be strapped in. Niall looked around in panic, hoping someone would come and get him out, he never had figured out how to undo it himself. Niall fiddled around with the straps and began to get frustrated, pulling at the straps he suddenly felt one tighten around his chest, he wheezed slightly at the sudden tightness around his small rib cage and kicked his legs frustratedly trying to loosen the straps.
"Niall? Oh Niall!" Harry ran over to Niall, concernedly looking at the small Irish boy struggling to loosen the tight straps around his chest. Harry knelt down next to Niall in his seat and undid the straps for him, picking Niall up out of his seat, clutching the blanket.
"Hey, did you have a nice nap?" Harry asked as Niall rested his head on Harry's shoulder, sucking his thumb. Niall nodded.
"Don't suck your thumb Ni, it's icky." Harry said, replacing Nialls thumb with a red pacifier that Niall contentedly sucked on instead.
"Come on Niall, let's go see your Uncles." Harry smiled at Niall in his arms. Nialls eyes met with Harry's.
"And Mama?" Niall asked quietly, lisping through his pacifier innocently.
"Yeah, and you will see mummy Ni." Harry said. Niall smiled happily and rested his head on Harry's shoulder again, while Harry walked to Zayn and the other boys who were all downstairs, scrolling through their phones and snacking on some crisps. Nialls eyes set immediately on the large bag of crisps that was lay out on the table.
"There he is, my gorgeous little boy!" Zayn cooed, standing up and taking Niall from Harry's arms, swallowing down a crisp he had just finished chewing. Harry gently gave Niall over t Zayn, Niall seemed distracted.
"Hi mummy." Niall smiled as Zayn took Nialls pacifier out of his mouth, holding it in his hand for Niall.
"Hi darling." Zayn smiled brightly, bouncing Niall on his hip.
"Cwisps!" Niall declared, smiling around at the boys.
"Yeah, they are Niall." Zayn praised.
Niall smiled brightly and peered around the room as he perched on Zayns hip, he felt so tall when he was on Zayns hip, he could see everything! Nialls curious eyes watched over his surroundings, and He wriggled unhappily on Zayns hip suddenly, wanting to get down.
"Alright buddy." Zayn got the message and put Niall on the floor to crawl. Niall began crawling away from the boys, Zayn following closely behind him.
"Where are you going Ni?" Zayn cooed, following slowly as Niall crawled frantically along the hall and into the kitchen. Niall crawled to the corner and saw a crate of leftover beer, his eyes set on the familiar labels and shapes, his headspace shrinking at the sight of the crate...very full of beer. Niall was pondering his thoughts but a pair of hands grabbed him under his arms and swooped him into the air, Niall saw Harry's green eyes smiling down at his blue ones. Nialls eyes stared longingly at the crate but Harry stuffed a pacifier into his mouth and took Niall into his nursery to play for a while.
"Here we are Niall, you can play for a bit." Harry smiled as he placed Niall in the midst of all his toys on the nursery floor. Niall smiled up at Harry quickly and numbly looked at all his toys he had taken so much interest in previously.
"What's wrong Nialler? Are you feeling ok?" Harry asked, pressing two fingers to Nialls forehead. Niall shook Harry's fingers off his head grumpily.
"Ooh someone seems a little bit grumpy." Harry smiled. Zayn walked into the nursery with some freshly washed onesies, opening Nialls wardrobe to put them away.
"Well, you can play in here for a little bit, sound okay Nialler?" Harry asked, kindly smiling at Niall. Niall nodded.
"Okay and, give us a shout if you need us." Zayn smiled, putting the last of Nialls onesies away in the wardrobe.
Niall nodded again and smiled, turning his attention to the box of colourful Legos on the carpet. Zayn and Harry both left, hearing their talking and footsteps become less frequent and quieter, Niall lay on the carpeted floor, and sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
Niall couldn't help his thoughts of the crate of beer, he really wanted a drink. His headspace was shrinking by the minute as pictures of beer, girls and nightclubs swarmed his mind. Niall sat up on the carpeted floor and folded his arms, unsatisfied with sippy cups and bottles, he wanted a drink. Maybe, since he'd been so good lately, the boys would let him come out of his headspace for one night and relax like he used to, having a drink with his mates, that's hardly something unreasonable to ask!
"Yeah...I will go ask them right now!" Niall said to himself, quite matter-of-factly, and stood up to ready himself to go and ask the boys.

Babying Niall Horan Where stories live. Discover now