Human!Harry x Reader

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Requested by Maddieisnotkawaii.

Song referenced in the link above.

Harry would have been lying if he hadn't played Sunshine Of Your Love in his bedroom on his guitar a few times and didn't consider it a tribute to you at least once. He liked you, there was no doubt about it. Most days he could deal with it, but some days he just...couldn't. It could be likened to having anxiety; most days can be handled but some days just crumble at your feet. Some just collapse from underneath you, like an unsteady ladder.

Today Harry stood on that unsteady ladder. It was wobbling beneath his feet and was ready to collapse.

Friday nights in the fall evening often held promise of a football game. Harry's parents were extremely school-spirited; meaning they attend every one, no matter how menial. While Harry would dislike being underneath his parents' overly participative behavior, he often enjoyed the game because he saw you there. You came just because your friends would be there; who actually gave a damn about the football? Tonight Harry and yourself find yourselves at some unimportant game.

The intro to Sunshine Of Your Love plays in his head. Once the sight of you triggers it, he feels slightly more comfortable to approach you. But still, he's hesitant.

"It's getting near dark," he mumbles under his breath. As he stands up the wobbling ladder threatens to collapse underneath him.

"When lights close their tired eyes," he continues, now walking. You're up in the bleachers; he's on the other side of the field.

"I'll soon be with you, my love," Harry smiles. That's so cheesy.

"I'll be there to give you my dawn surprise," his mumbling is beginning to turn into singing. Harry has to admit- he's not a bad singer. He should start a band.

"I'll be with you, darling, soon," he croons almost a little too loudly. "I'll be with you when the stars start falling!"

Suddenly, the game is at half time. All the football players have dispersed to either the benches or to the snack bar, but Harry was eyeing one player in particular. His name? Tony. His status? Quarterback. His reputation? You. Tony liked you almost as long as Harry had. But there was a fine difference- Harry and Tony had different ways of approaching you. Tony had made himself quite obvious and forced himself upon you. Harry hadn't done a single thing. He just kept pining.

"I've been waiting so long," he can feel the anticipation welling up within him. Metaphorically, the ladder continues to creak and groan, as if it were under the weight of the world. But Harry still climbs.

Jealousy would accurately describe Harry's emotions. He was jealous, plain and simple. He saw you and Tony chatting. You were laughing. Laughing in a way that Harry could never make you laugh. Perhaps Tony had some kind of magic touch that made Harry disadvantaged.

"To be where I'm going," a sudden leap of courage sings. Harry's mind quickly leaps to reality. Tony's gone, and you're alone on the bleachers. Harry stands at the corner of the bleachers, almost a foot away. He sits down, trying to casually slide his way down to you. That's when you notice him.

"In the sunshine of your love," he finishes in his head, drawing out the 'o' noise.

"Hey," you greet awkwardly.

"Hi," he barely manages. I'm with you my love.

As the song continues in his head, he tries to make conversation. There's not much conversation to be had. Harry admittedly doesn't know you too well.

"How are you?" He goes for short and simple.

"I'm... actually not doing so well," you confess.

"What's wrong?"

You incline your head toward Tony. "See him? He's been flirting with me every chance he gets. It's creepy!"

"Hmm. I didn't think Tony was that bad of a guy." Harry lies through his teeth, and you're aware of it.

"The guy's about as interesting as a brick."

"Oh, I thought you liked-"

"Not a snowball's chance," you interrupt, sounding almost proud.

Harry's doing backflips on the inside. He can feel the chorus starting up again in his mind. The ladder beneath his feet is suddenly stable. The world is at last calm.

The two of you carry out conversation until the game ends. At the end of the game you give him your number, and as Harry sits in the backseat of the car among his siblings, you text him.

"I heard you singing."

Harry smiles. So this is what it feels like, in the sunshine of your love.

He texts back, "did you like it?"


And that is what Harry needed to hear all night.

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