Dipper x Reader

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I'm not too sure why Dipper is such a smooth operator in this one.

"Marry me?"

Your brusque question came out of seemingly nowhere, and budded from the midst of an argument. You and Dipper had begun to realize that your relationship was beginning to unravel without you knowing or trying to do so. However, there was something keeping the two of you together. It wasn't obligation or fear. You theorized that it must have been the initial attraction that drew the two of you together. Something was still burning, even if the flames were not quite as high as they used to be. It might have been a bad time to ask him, but you were determined to make Dipper Pines your husband. Your dream wouldn't die just because of a petty argument.

"Marry you? I thought we talked about this-"


Dipper stayed silent and crossed his arms. He was signalling for you to continue your speech.

"From the microsecond I saw you drop all your books in the hallway in our senior year of high school, I have wanted to make you my husband."

"I had no-"

"Of course you had no idea. That's the point, you dummy. It was hard enough to keep you for this long, and damn it, I'm going to marry you."

"Alright, let's get married."

"But do you want to? Do you really want me as a spouse?"

Dipper began to smile. "You said that we were going to get married anyway, so why does it matter?"

You scooted closer to him. "It'll make me feel better about myself."

He put an arm around you, and suddenly the fall air wasn't nearly as cold. Placing his cheek against the top of your head, he began to speak.

"Did you really think I wouldn't marry you if you asked? Or you wouldn't marry me if I asked?"

"Dipper, we've been arguing for a couple hours now."

Somehow grasping you tighter, you could hear the rumble in his chest when he spoke.

"Couples do that. It isn't the first time we've fought. It won't be the last."

You didn't say anything, because the moment seemed too right. Dipper respected your decision and kept his arm firmly around you. The burning embers of your relationship somehow sparked a fire, and the flames were as high as the California redwoods. You sighed.

"Finally. After nearly four years of barely letting you slip out of my fingers, we're here at Point B."

"I don't think I ever slipped out of your fingers."

You nodded. "Oh yes, you did. Remember film school? Or maybe that time when that rumor went around that I was dating your sister's boyfriend? Or that time we decided to go on a road trip?"

"Okay, so we've been through a lot. But we're here."

"Yes, but I need you to appreciate that it was difficult to get here," you said, trying to wriggle free from his grasp. "Dipper, I want you to be sure. It's now or never."

"Well, I thought you solidified it pretty much when you told me that we were getting married no matter what."

The forgiving darkness masked the tears beginning to fall. You were quickly growing insecure. "I want you to marry me, Dipper."

"Yes. Of course. What's with the sudden doubts?"

"Just...just make sure you're making the right decision."

His arm going back around you. "I'm sure."

"You sure?"

"One hundred percent sure."

"Okay. Let's not tell your sister just yet."

"Agreed. We won't tell Mabel until winter break, how about that?"

"That's great."

Relief came over you. Finally, Dipper Pines was going to marry you, and you wouldn't have so many worries about keeping him. Your anxieties that had been festering for four years were finally dissipating into the breeze. Now you'd only have to worry about your anxieties about marriage.

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