Bendy x Reader

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Some death is involved.

"It's okay, you can come out now," you whispered to the drawing of Bendy. "The studio's closed right now, and I want us to go on our date tonight! You did remember our anniversary?"

"Of course I did, doll," Bendy said casually as he laid back on the paper, still a two dimensional image. "And I'm gonna take you out somewhere nice and pretty, somewhere you'll never forget."

You giggled. "Well, that sounds very romantic, Bendy! I'll go get my stuff."

"You do that," he replied, "and I'll slip into something more comfortable, because this," he said, gesturing to himself lying on his back on the paper, "is not very comfortable."

As you scurried off in search of your coat (sometimes these late nights at the studio finds it hanging in Joey's office), you practically skipped to office. There was a secret compartment underneath your desk that you hid personal effects in regularly, such as snacks. But this morning you opened it to find a little black box! You certainly hadn't put it there (and even if you did, you probably would remember why), and none of your coworkers could have put it there, because none of them knew about it. This led to only one conclusion- Bendy put it there. A little black box from your boyfriend in a place only you (and apparently he) knew about could mean but one thing: he was planning to propose! And all logical thought would mean that it was definitely happening tonight. Just thinking about it made you want to squeal. Of course you wanted to marry him!

You reached Joey's office to find your coat hanging on his coat rack. It seemed to be soaked with permanent ink staining, and you realized that your relationship with Bendy may be a little obvious. You didn't care, though; because soon you would be married and move to a new town, where you'd take up a new occupation as something exciting, and Bendy as an actor. The two of you would take Boris in and live happily ever after. This life would be nothing more than a fond memory. When you put it on, you found Bendy, leaning against the doorway.

"What's your coat doing in here?"

You shrugged. "I have no idea."

"You're not cheating on me, are ya?" Bendy's joking tone seemed to show more than it was supposed to.

"Of course not! I'd never cheat on you," you said in an exaggeratedly exasperated manner, elbowing him in the arm. "You're perfect."

His solid white cheeks were stained by a rosy red. "Stop it."

"Make me."

Bendy smirked at you as the two of you stopped just before the exit sign and shared a kiss. Ink stained your lips, just as it did every time you kissed Bendy. You normally just wiped it off, but tonight it was special. It was an indicator that you were Bendy's and Bendy was yours, because tonight you would become engaged. You smiled, the whites of your teeth contrasted by the black ink.

"I think you look great like this," Bendy remarked as he pushed open the door to let you out, "just you, me, and a night of possibilities. Now let me take you on the night of your life."

"Where are we going," you asked once you were out on the sidewalk.

Bendy looked at you with those big, curious eyes, and replied simply, "You'll see."

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