Chapter two

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Chapter two.

The next morning, Chloe knocked on Jay's door, saying "Mister James, your friend is outside waiting for you." Chloe was talking about Max George, Jay's only true friend since the beginning of high school. Max had been the only one of his friends who stood by Jay's side after he had confessed to them about his schizophrenia. His other two close friends, Tom and Siva, had left him. Tom had laughed in his face and called him a freak. Siva had not been quite so cruel, but Tom convinced him that hanging around with Jay would not be good for his reputation. Siva actually felt bad for Jay and didn't want to stop being his friend, but he had always listened to Tom and was scared that Tom would ruin him as well.

Tom then had spread the news about Jay all over the school, and soon Jay was being beaten in school bathrooms, sent hate every night through text, and was outcast by everyone. Max had been outcast too, because he remained Jay's friend. Max had believed Tom was wrong; there was nothing wrong with having a mental disorder. Max had told Jay from the get-go that he was there for him, and he always would be.

As Max finally saw Jay walk out of his huge mansion, he couldn't help but think about that again. Max felt really sorry for Jay, but he'd never tell him that. He remembered the last time Max admitted he felt sorry for him.

"I'm a freak", Jay had said as Max wiped away the blood on his face from getting beaten by Tom and a group of other guys.

"No Jay, you're not. It's not your fault you see things that aren't there. I'm really sorry it had to be this way for you. I feel horrible when people treat you the way they do."

"Are you pitying me?" Jay had said in disbelief. He suddenly stood up and pushed Max away. "Just go Max. You're as bad as the rest of them. You feel sorry for me because you think I'm a freak too. I don't want to see you again! Just leave me alone!" Jay had pushed him again and ran out of the bathroom. The corner of the bathroom stall had dug into Max's elbow when he fell. He still had the scar to prove it. Max had been shocked at Jay's outburst, as he didn't know that Jay also had anger management issues. It came with the schizophrenia, he later found out.

Now he is careful of what he says, and Jay never spoke to Max the same way since. Jay shut down on himself, and now his conversations with Max were merely one word sentences and a series of nods or shakes of the head.

Jay climbed into Max's car and they drove to uni together.

"How are you?" Max said, trying to break the silence.

Jay didn't answer for a few seconds, and then said, "Remember how I told you once I felt like someone was watching me? But I looked back and no one was there?"

"Yeah, I remember", Max said, intrigued at what Jay could actually be wanting to talk about. Jay hardly ever had anything to say, after all.

"I saw who it was last night", he said. Max knew it was most likely another one of Jay's delusions.

"Who was it?" Max asked, humoring him.

"I don't know him, but it was a young lad about my age."

"Jay, are you sure he's not just another illusion?" Max asked cautiously. He didn't want to upset Jay.

"You don't believe me. I knew it", Jay said softly.

"Jay it's not that. It's just-"

"He's probably not real. I get it. Just... Forget I said anything." Max felt a bit gutted about making Jay feel that way, but he knew it wasn't healthy for him to believe that all he sees is real. It couldn't be real. How could a random boy just show up in Jay's home anyway?

The entire day Jay couldn't stop thinking about the young guy. He believed he really was real. But what if Max was right? He usually was.

That night Jay returned home and went straight towards the room in which he had seen the young guy. He didn't see anyone there. With a sigh, he returned downstairs, as Chloe was calling him for dinner. Jay again ate every last bit of his food. As Chloe watched with hope, she asked, "How was your day, James?" She had grown accustomed to calling him James, since she had always been like a second mom to him.

"Good", he replied as he finished his food. "Thank you Chloe." He got up and headed straight to his room as usual. But Chloe was surprised. Jay had always replied, "Same." But today he didn't. What was this miracle? She only hoped it would continue.

When Jay returned to his room, he again felt eyes on him. He turned around and saw the short, brown haired boy from the night before. The boy looked back with startled eyes and ran off into the other room.

"Wait!" Jay called as he followed him. The boy was gone again. Jay was determined to get him to speak. He promised himself that the next day he would get the guy to talk.

That night Jay had no nightmares. Instead, he dreamt of the guy he kept seeing. For the first time since he was seven, Jay slept soundly.


Written by @chasing_TW.

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora