Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven.

Nathan watched over Jay, making sure nothing bad happened to him whilst he was in uni and not in the safe confinements of Jay's home. As well as watching Jay, he'd make sure that Tom didn't hurt Jay or else he would stop Tom before anything happened and the same with Max. Nathan watched Max to make sure he didn't make a move on his Jay.

Nathan found it strange that it was nearing the end of the day at the university yet Tom hadn't beaten Jay up yet. He's usually black and blue by now but Jay left that day without a single scratch on his body.


"Kill him, kill him" the voices repeated inside Tom's head, every time making Tom more and more determined to actually kill Jay.

"All I'm good time, you'll just have to wait!" Tom shouted, causing a few people around to look at the boy that had just shouted at no one, strangely making Tom feel sad as people were so judgemental before getting to know him.

Although he wasn't sad for long as the voices persisted on killing Jay, which ignited a fire inside Tom. Adrenaline pumping, he stole a sharp bladed knife from the kitchen in the university and hid it inside his jacket pocket as it was small enough to fit.

Luckily for Tom, him and Jay had the last lecture of the day together which meant; Plan Kill Jay could and would work.


Jay pulled his jacket closer to him as the cold air nipped at the uncovered skin, making goosebumps appear on Jay's skin. He decided to walk home today, reasons being he enjoyed the fresh air and being outside but also it would of been awkward being in the same car as Max after what happened yesterday. Plus Max went home early today due to the cut that Nathan had caused splitting and desperately needing stitches again.

Jay felt that someone was following him but when he turned round, there was no one there.

"It's just your imagination" is what he told himself, speeding up his pace from a walk to a fast walk just in case.

What Jay didn't know was that he was being followed, Tom was a few feet behind Jay, out of sight and knife in hand ready to strike. Like a lion hunting a deer, Tom could feel the adrenaline kicking him fuelling his thoughts and voices in his head to actually kill Jay.

Jay was just about to open the gate and walk up the pathway to his house when someone dragged him backwards by his coat and slammed him into the brick walls right next to the gate Jay was about to enter.

"Kill him! Do it now!" The voices were now screaming inside Tom's mind. It was overwhelming.

"Tom? What are you doing?" Jay asked, confused as to why Tom was here. He hadn't even realised that Tom was holding a knife; the very same knife that Tom was going to use to kill him.

"How did you know where I live?" Jay was still clueless about the fact that this was probably his last day alive.

"I followed you. Nice place you've got, I've forgotten just how big your house is" Tom chuckled as he held Jay tighter against the wall so he didn't escape.

"I'm here because I've come to kill you" Jay's face paled as he watched Tom hold up the knife, the silver blade glistening in the moonlight. Jay's breathing quickened, and he silently prayed for two things- for either Nathan to come to save him or for Tom to kill him and put him out of his constant misery.

"Any last words?" Tom said as he pressed the knife to Jay's stomach.


Nathan had enough of watching Tom trying to kill Jay, so he decided to intervene. He pushed Tom as hard as his small body would allow him, making him fall over and drop the knife.

"Nathan! You saved me!" Jay smiled, grateful for Nathan randomly appearing and saving his arse once again. Nathan quickly pulled Jay towards him and wrapped his arms around him.

"Of course I would save you, I love you don't I?" What Nathan and Jay hadn't noticed as they shared their greetings was that Tom had gotten back up, knife in hand ready to pounce and kill Jay.

"Kill both of them" the voices said. They were yelling so loud that Tom winced at one point and began to develop a massive headache.

"Aw, how sweet. It's almost bringing a tear to my eye", Tom said sarcastically.

"If you want to kill him, you'll have to kill me first", Nathan said whilst instinctively pushing Jay behind him.

"Fine by me, they told me to kill both of you anyway" Tom accidentally letting slip about 'them', 'them' being the voices in his head.

"Wait!" Jay yelled. Tom looked confused and a bit annoyed. "You get voices in your head don't you? Don't worry, I do too." Jay tried to get past Nathan to get closer to Tom, but Nathan didn't let him as he was too afraid Tom would stab him and kill Jay.

The trance Tom had been in began to subside when he heard Jay's beautiful but desperate voice, pleading with Tom to understand. Tom nodded, looking down, ashamed that he had admitted it in front of Nathan, someone who was normal- or so he thought.

"Hey it's okay, I understand. Just please drop that knife. Don't listen to those voices, they are wrong." Trying to drown out the shrieking voices, Tom did as Jay said and dropped the knife. The voices erupted into protest but Tom tried to tune them out.

"I'm so sorry- I'm so sorry", was the last thing Tom said before he ran off, his dark figure blending in with the night.

"I love you Nathan Sykes" Jay said smiling, pulling Nathan into a hug thinking at how without him maybe he still wouldn't be alive.

"I love you too Jay McGuiness."

Written by @nicely_mcguiness.

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWWhere stories live. Discover now