Chapter nine.

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Chapter nine.

Nathan stayed with Jay, watching him sleep and smiling at how calm and peaceful he looked whilst sleeping. Jay was the only thing that Nathan would think about; when he woke up he thought about Jay, before he went to sleep he thought about Jay. Ever since he realised just how much Jay meant to Nathan he can't get Jay off of his mind, not that Nathan thinks it's a bad thing.

Nathan carefully tried to brush some of Jay's curls out of his face without waking Jay but he failed miserably, awakening Jay.

"Hey, how are you?" Nathan asked, smiling down at Jay as Jay rubbed sleep out of his eyes.

"I heard what you said" Jay carefully sat up and flinched when one of his bones cracked.

"You're the best thing that's happened to me too" Jay mumbled, his morning voice making Nathan feel all giggly and girly.

Nathan politely smiled and nodded not knowing what to do and say, he wanted to scream and shout at how excited he was but he didn't want to embarrass himself. Nathan squinted his eyes at the door, he could hear the heavy footsteps of Jay's friend Max George coming up the stairs.

"I have to go" when Jay looked up he noticed that Nathan had vanished.

Max had waited outside Jay's bedroom door, listening in on the conversation of Jay and his 'friend' Nathan. Max knew that Nathan was not real, it was obvious he's had to deal with the other illusions that Jay had and it broke Max's heart every time Jay realised that they were illusions. He wanted to tell Jay; that Nathan wasn't real that he was just an illusion but this is the happiest max has seen Jay and he didn't want to ruin that he couldn't put his selfishness over Jay's happiness that wouldn't be fair.

In truth, Max had developed a crush on his best friend. He tried to ignore it but he couldn't it was impossible, it was hard not to develop a crush and Jay he was all round cute and adorable. Jay doesn't know about Max liking Jay and Max hope it stays like that as he wouldn't know how Jay would react.

"Please don't go Nathan, I love you" Max heard Jay sob which broke Max's heart.

He dropped his hand to his side from his knocking position and started to walk back down the hallway and down the stairs when he bumped into Chloe, Jay's housemaid.

"Mr. George, where are you going? I thought you came here to see mr. McGuiness"

"I did" Max mumbled sadly, looking down at his feet.

"Wait?! Is he crying?" Chloe asked, confused to the sobs she could hear coming from where she was guessing was Jay's room.

Max nodded solemnly.

"Well, why aren't you in there comforting him?" Chloe raised her eyebrow at Max as Max shrugged.

"Go in there and comfort him! You're his best friend! Go before I have to drag you in there!" She tutted and slightly pushed Max in the direction of Jay's room.

Max walked into Jay's room, not bothering to knock and Max's heart broke once again seeing the state Jay was in. Jay was lay on his bed in a foetal position, his pillowcase wet with tears. Max ran to Jay's side and gently coaxed Jay to sit up.

"Shh, it's okay I'm here now what's wrong?" Max wrapped Jay in a hug, trying his best to calm Jay down.

"He left...Again! He doesn't love me does he?" Jay looked at Max, trying to see any signs of him lying.

"Who? I'm sure he loves you Jay! Who doesn't love you?"

"Nathan!" He managed to shout before another wave of tears ran down Jay's face.

Max wanted to punch or even kill Nathan but then he realised how stupid he was as Nathan is an illusion, right?

"Hey hey, look at me. I don't know why he left but listen to me, I would never leave you and-" he trailed off.

"And what?" Jay sniffled, wiping the snot and tears with the sleeve of his jumper.

Max took a deep breath before kissing Jay gently on the lips, not giving Jay the chance to kiss back before he pulled away and said.

"And I love you Jay" and then Max was gone just like Nathan, leaving Jay alone and confused.

Written by @nicely_mcguiness.

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWWhere stories live. Discover now