Chapter twenty one

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Chapter twenty one.

Jay silently watched Tom drag the pocket knife across his own wrists, muttering something about a murder happening tonight under his breath. Jay wanted to scream at him to tell him to stop, even though he resented Tom for taking the thing most precious and valuable of Jay's but he still cared, he didn't want Tom to do this to himself.

Jay sat up slightly, ignoring the sharp stabbing pains he felt when he moved he asked, "Tom?"

Tom looked down at the blood trickling down his arm, he hadn't heard Jay call his name. Tom already knew what he had to do next, which would cease the voices altogether and it would hopefully send him to a peaceful yet calm and quite place.

"Can you hear me?" Jay asked again, "Tom!"

Still no response.


"Please answer me!"

"I'm so sorry" this time Tom had heard Jay.

"I know what I did was wrong, and I would like to let you go back to Nathan where you'll be safe but I can't. At least not yet"

"When then?" Jay was worried, he had seen those films where the captors said the same thing as Tom just did but never actually let them go, they just kept them there until they were found by the police or until the captors would kill them.

Jay hoped he could see Nathan soon, or even hear him if Tom was going to kill him Jay needed to say goodbye to the only person that mattered most to him.

"I don't know, a couple of days"

"Goodbye Jay" Tom stood up, taking the knife with him before he locked the door behind him, locking Jay in the bedroom.

Once Jay was sure Tom had gone, he stood up and put on his clothes again, which caused Jay an extreme amount of pain. Jay looked around the room, there was a small tv, small window and a worn out red carpet. Jay crawled on the floor to the brown wooden door that had started to rot away in the bottom corners. He turned the handle but it wouldn't open.

Jay looked in every cupboard and drawer in the room, with no such luck until he looked under the bed where he found an old Nokia phone that must of been kicked under the bed. Jay picked up the phone and noticed the phone had just over half of the battery left and 3 signal bars.

Jay silently cheered so Tom wouldn't hear him, "I could use this to call Nathan!"


Tom sat on his bed, the knife in hand. He hadn't even bothered to switch on the light switch, he was just sat in total darkness quite like Tom was feeling now. Tom couldn't believe what he had just done to Jay, he wished he could turn back time and make sure he hadn't done that or somehow rid Jay of the horrible horrible that would surely haunt Jay for most likely the rest of his life.

"I'm so sorry" Tom whispered.

"I'm really sorry Jay" Tom heard all the noise from the room Jay was in stop.

Jay sat against the wall listening in to Tom, "please believe me, if I could take this all back, I would but I can't"

"I know, but I'll never forgive you for this" Jay said truthfully.

"Exactly, which is why it's best if I go, leave and never come back"

"Where? And you're just going to leave me here?" Jay wondered.

Tom shrugged even though Jay couldn't see him, "somewhere where I deserve to go, I'm sure you'll find a way out" Tom was oblivious that Jay had found the phone that Tom had stupidly left and had already began to type in Nathan's number.

"Like I said, goodbye Jay" Tom had said his goodbyes now, so there was no time to waste. He lifted up the knife towards his neck, it was now or never and Tom chose now.


Nathan paced around inside Jay's bedroom, he was worried Jay had been gone about 5 hours now and he had heard nothing from Jay. Chloe had told Nathan that he was worrying over nothing and she was sure Jay would be back safe and well later.

Nathan knows that he was worrying over something, he could sense that something was wrong like Jay was in danger. Nathan wished that he knew where Tom lived so he could go round there and check but sadly he didn't.

It was nearing 6 hours when Nathan's phone started ringing. Without checking the number he answered.

"Jay?" Nathan asked hopefully, his fingers crossed.

"Nathan! You don't understand how happy I am to hear your voice!" Nathan smiled at how cute Jay is.

"Are you safe?"

"If being locked in a room counts as safe then yes"

"Wait he looked you in a room? Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" Nathan was fuming, he hoped for Tom's sake that Jay was the same before he left him.

"I'm fine although I'm a little hungry, I've tried shouting for Tom but he hasn't answered me in a while" Jay frowned as his stomach rumbled.

"Well tell me where Tom lives and I'll come and get you and we can go and get something to eat, how does that sound?" Nathan laughed when he heard Jay cheering in the background.

Jay told Nathan the address and told him that he needed to hurry up.

Nathan ran outside to his car and typed in Tom's address to his satnav. He hoped that Jay was actually fine and there was not a single scratch on Jay's body or Tom will be sorry.

Once Nathan had arrived at Tom's house he ran straight upstairs, there was four rooms, two on each side. Nathan had decided to try the farthest door first, he slowly opened the door and was immediately met with darkness, Nathan was about to close the door when he noticed someone lay on the bed.

Nathan walked closer to the body and gasps when he sees who it is.

"Jay! Which room are you in?"

"In this one!" Jay called from the room next to Nathan.

Nathan followed Jay's voice and tried to open the door but found it was locked, he didn't know where the keys were so Nathan had no choice but to break it down. After three tries Nathan had successfully broke down the door.

"Nathan!" Jay ran up to Nathan, ignoring the pain he felt and pulled him into a hug, "I'm so glad you're here" Jay cried into Nathan's shoulder.

"Jay I need to tell you something" Nathan said the same time Jay asked "have you seen Tom?"

"That's what I need to tell you about" Nathan took in a deep breath before he continued, "Tom's dead"

Written by @nicely_mcguiness.

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWWhere stories live. Discover now