Chapter twenty eight

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Chapter twenty eight

As Max drove Jay to the park that his and Nathan's special tree were, Max thought deeply. How much did Jay love Nathan? Did Jay really have feelings for Max, or was he just trying to make Nathan jealous or something? Max found himself doubting Jay and wondering what kind of a game he was playing. Is he even aware that he's playing with the two boys' feelings,since he's a bit mental?

Max noticed that ever since Jay met Nathan, the fantasies had gotten worse. Jay was getting worse every day. He remembered the trances Jay would go into, and then the flashback of that night he found Jay in the bathroom made him involuntarily shudder.

"Are you cold?" Jay asked, confused. After all, it was pretty warm that day. The car windows were even open halfway.

"No, I'm alright."

"Then why did you shudder?" he pressed.

"Are you always this observant?" Max asked, getting a bit annoyed at Jay's questions. If anything, this wasn't how Max had planned to spend the day he got out from the hospital. Sure, he loved Jay, but he hated that his day was going into finding the lad that Jay's always freaking out about and asking for.

Max wanted to be that person. Not Nathan.

"Yeah, pretty much. Now what's on your mind."

"Nothing, really."

"Fine, then don't tell me. Take the next exit off the highway." Jay turned away and looked out the window, letting the warm breeze blow through his curls. Jay looked back for a moment, just to read Max's face, but saw Tom in the driver's seat instead.

"Holy shit!" Jay yelled and grabbed the wheel. The car swerved and miraculously didn't crash. Jay heard some shouting and swearing from the drivers in the cars that passed by them.

"Jay, what the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Max shouted. His loud tone scared Jay.

"I-I'm s-sorry, I-I don't know what I was thinking", Jay replied, almost in tears. What if he would have been the cause of Max getting into another car accident, the same day he was discharged?

"Hell, yeah! Why would you do that? You could've gotten us killed? Are you retarded or something?" Jay felt a stab in his chest. Max's words hurt him so badly Jay started to cry.

Max realised what he said. Had he just called Jay a retard? He felt like the biggest arse in the world. Jay didn't deserve that. There must've been a reason as to why Jay jumped that way.

"Jay, I'm so so-"

"No, just don't", Jay said as he flung open the car door and climbed out.

"Jay, don't go! At least get in the car and let me drive you to the park.

"I'll walk", Jay said bitterly as he began to walk down the long highway.

Max climbed out of the car as well and ran to Jay, whirling him around to face him.

"Jay, I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking."

"Do you know why I stopped the car, Max? Do you know why?" Max shook his head.

"I looked away and when I looked back it wasn't you next to me. It was Tom, okay? I saw Tom next to me and it gave me a proper scare. So don't judge before you know the facts, okay?" Jay spat in Max's face. Max looked down at the ground in shame.

"Jay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you that."

"Well you did", Jay replied before turning to walk away again.

Max just couldn't let him walk away being angry with him. He had to do something.

"Jay, wait!" he said as he pulled Jay's arm. Jay whirled around to face him again.

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWWhere stories live. Discover now