Chapter three

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Chapter three.

Jay entered the four digit code to the gate of his house and walked on the the path that lead up to the old wooden door that would creak every time someone opened it.

When he walked in and closed the door behind him he notice all the maids either cleaning or talking amongst themselves. When they noticed Jay standing their the all chorused a 'hello mr. McGuiness' before getting back to what they were doing before. Chloe, upon hearing the other maids greeting Jay walked out of the kitchen.

"Mr.McGuiness!" She asked a horrified expression on her face as she took in the bloody mess of Jay's face. There was blood coming from his nose and there was a bruise forming on his left eye.

Flashbacks from getting beat up - by Tom and the other guys that Jay didn't know the names of - hit Jay like a ton of bricks.

'No, stop' Jay would plead as he tried to protect himself as best he could.

They would just laugh and continue hitting poor Jay.

'We will stop when we want to, idiot. I bet you lie about your schizophrenia just to get attention' one of the other lads had said.

After another few punches they left, with a satisfied smile and a few sniggers here and there. Leaving Jay broken and hurt, thinking what had he done to deserve this. He just wished it would go back to old times; the good times with the whole gang, Tom, Max and Siva.

"What happened?" Chloe questioned, breaking Jay out of his flashbacks.

He shrugged before mumbling 'I'm going upstairs' which is what he did, where he would stay in his room just staring out the window until he was called down for dinner.

"Wait Jay!" Called Chloe when Jay was only about half way up the stairs.

"If you aren't going to tell me what's happened at least let me clean you up"

After a few minutes of Chloe cleaning up the blood and getting some paracetamol and a glass of water for Jay, Jay asked quietly.

"You won't, um, e-ever tell my parents about me coming home battered, ri-right?"

Chloe stopped cleaning up the blood for a minute and looked at Jay and mumbled.

"Of course not! Unless....... It got even worse then it already is. That's when I'd tell them. But no, I won't tell them sweetheart, don't worry" Jay smiled thankfully and closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep.


"Are you okay?" A faint voice asked, waking Jay up from his sleep.

"Jay. That's your name right? Well at least I think it is. Are you okay? I know that's a stupid question but are you okay?" The voice asked once again, sounding closer and clearer this time.

Jay sat up and looked around his room.

"He-hello?" Jay mumbled when he didn't see anyone.

No answer.

Jay sighed and went to the corner of his room where on his desk was a keyboard and started one of his favourite songs that he had heard on the radio when in the car with Max on their way to university.

Jay looked down intently making sure that he put the right finger on the right key, he then started to mumble the chords to himself.

"Right, c chord first. Then.... E chord and F chord twice and then... C chord again..."

"No, that's where your wrong. It's an A chord, not a C chord. Trust me." The voice spoke.

It's just your imagination Jay, ignore it.

"C chord" Jay spoke confidently, not listening to the voice and continued to play the C chord.

The voice chuckled. "I'm telling you, it's an A chord."

Jay took in a sharp intake of breath but this time listened to the voice and played the A chord instead of the C chord.

"There that's better" the voice said smugly.

"Come out. I need to see if you are real and not one of those imaginary people that I sometimes see and hear. Please, come out."


"C'mon... Please. Come out" Jay raised his voice, showing a great amount of impatience.

"Okay" the voice spoke timidly.

"Close your eyes though"

Jay took a couple of deep breaths and closed his eyes, hoping that when he opened them again he would see a real person standing there.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now"

Jay frowned and opened his eyes slowly, not knowing what to expect.

"You! It's you again!" Jay smiled, it was the dark haired boy he had been seeing these past couple of days.

"Yeah.." The angel Jay had been seeing spoke.

The brunette shifted his weight and fumbled with the hem of his shirt before asking the question that Jay was dreading on answering.

"Wh-what happened to you?"

Jay didn't want to think about what happened in the boys bathroom in his university earlier today, he was hopefully making a friend. He didn't really want to think about negative things.

"I...Nothing" the brunette nodded knowing Jay wasn't going to trust him just yet after all, Jay didn't even know his name.

"I'm Nathan"

"Nathan" Jay repeated with a smile on his face.

"I like it. It suits you" Nathan laughed awkwardly.

"I guess so. And Jay suits you too" Nathan didn't know why he was being so shy, yes sometimes he'd be a little awkward but he would usually be all loud and bubbly and blurt whatever was on his mind before thinking it through.

"I have to go" Nathan mumbled sadly.

"But why? You haven't been here this long. Can't you stay longer?" Jay gasped.

"No sorry"

"Will I ever see you again?"

"Hopefully" was the last thing Nathan mumbled before he ran out of Jay's room and down the hallway into one of the rooms.


Written by @nicely_mcguiness.

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora