Chapter twenty seven

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Chapter twenty seven.

Jay screamed and screamed to be let out of his restrains but it was no use, the only outcome was that Jay had lost his voice.

Jay lay on his white bed (not that he had a choice) in the plain white room, there was not a single thing in the room that could entertain Jay, not tv, no window, nothing.

Jay had no idea how long he had been stuck in that room all he knew was that he hadn't seen Nathan since before he was placed in this plain old room however long ago it was.

Jay was worried, this wasn't normal for Nathan, Jay wondered if Nathan had stopped caring for Jay which wasn't true at all.

Max knocked on the door, interrupting Jay from his thoughts "can I come in?" Max asked, popping his head through the door. Jay nodded unable to speak.

"Are you okay?" Max asked not realising Jay had lost his voice.

Jay tried to do gestures with his hands to show max that he needed a drink but when your hands are strapped down its difficult plus Jay's voice had gone.

"What do you need?" Max had finally clocked on and watched Jay, "do you want some food?"

Jay shook his head and repeated the action.

"Water?" Jay nodded.

Max grabbed a plastic cup and poured water into it, max had assist Jay as he drank the water. Jay frowned and tried to wriggle out of his restrains but no such luck.

"I'll be back in a minute" max said disappearing from the room to go and get a doctor to remove Jay's restrains.

A few moments later Max returned with a doctor that removed Jay's restrains, and then quietly left the two boys alone.

"Thank you!" Jay winced at the sound of his voice, it sounded like Jay had been smoking 40 cigarettes a day.

"No problem!"

"How long have I been here?" Jay croaked.

"About a few hours"

It had been over 24 hours since Jay had seen Nathan.

"Has Nathan been?"

Max shook his head, "No, I don't think he has"

Jay bit his lip, he was more than worried about Nathan now. Jay was going out of his mind with worry, he hoped that nothing bad had happened to him.

"You're worried about Nathan aren't you?" Max asked sadly, his heart breaking as Max watched Jay nod his head.

"How about as soon as you are discharged, we'll go and look for him together?"

"Thank you so much Max!"


Nathan still sat under the tree, he watched as the rain poured down and the people still lingering outside run to find shelter.

Nathan knew he was being selfish by avoiding Jay but it was what Nathan thought was best for him, it was obvious - well to Nathan - that Jay only cared about Max and was just playing with Nathan. Nathan had no idea how worried Jay was looking for him.


"Where should we look first?" Max asked.

"Take me to my house, he might be there" Jay said.

Jay looked everywhere in his house but there was no sign of Nathan, he even asked Chloe and all the other staff that worked in the McGuiness house but they said that they hadn't seen Nathan at all.

"Where else could he be?" Jay tugged at his hair he needed to find Nathan, he had to!

"Think Jay, where would he go?" Jay thought of places where he would find Nathan but drew a blank.

Max sighed, "you know Nathan better than I do. Where would he go? Think of someplace that might mean something to him? Or both of you?" Jay's eyes widened with realisation.

"The tree!" Jay exclaimed.

"Tree?" Max was confused, "what tree?"

Jay told him about the tree he was talking about and where he would find it. Jay left out the part it's where Nathan had first kissed Jay as Jay though it was private and only him and Nathan should know about it.

Jay crossed his fingers, hoping; praying that Nathan was there.

After all that was the last place Jay knew of where to look.

Written by @nicely_mcguiness

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWWhere stories live. Discover now