Chapter five

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Chapter Five.

Jay had been feeling weird emotions for Nathan. Emotions that he had never felt before, even with girls that he found attractive. It was just an overwhelming urge of emotions flooding his heart. He felt confused and lost, so he called up his cousin and talked to him through skype. They talked about what Jay should do and his cousin suggested that Jay should write a song for Nathan, to express his feelings

"I wrote a song for you." Jay stated, with a bright smile on his face.

"You-You did?" Nathan said, a slight blush on his cheeks, no one had ever written him a song before.

"Well, My cousin helped me" Jay admitted looking down at the piano in front of him.

"Well, let's hear it"

Jay took out the paper that he wrote the lyrics on with shaky hands and placed the slightly crinkled paper in front of him. Nathan sat next to him, waiting patiently to hear the song that Jay had written for him. Jay took deep breathes, looking at the sheet of paper with the lyrics on once more.

"You know I'd never hurt you, I don't know why I'd ever want to."

Nathan observed Jay. He watched Jay look down intently at the keys, trying hard not to mess up a chord. "There's no comfort in another face so are you gonna let it go to waste"

"I keep on tryin' but how can I buy in when they don't compare to you"

"Join me" Jay spoke.

Nathan leaned closer to Jay, so he was able to look at the sheet.

"I'm running out of patience, tired of imitations, looking for someone to replace your heart"

"That's all I have for now" Jay bites his lips and looks down.

"That was beautiful. Thank you Jay" Nathan mumbled, his cheeks turning pink.

Jay hoped that the message had gotten throught to Nathan, that he liked him. But he knew that the message didn't get through to him as Nathan didn't jump on him and kiss him.

It was 11:15 at night and Jay heard an almost inaudible knock on his door, he knew that it wasn't any of the housekeeping staff as they go to bed at nine. He walked towards the door and opened it, he looked down and saw a medium sized white shoe box with a pale blue bow wrapped around it.

He picked it up and walked back into his room. There was a yellow post-it note ontop of the box. It read: Thanks for the song, it was a really nice gesture, here are some poems that i've written mainly about you. - N x

You're there for me when skies are grey

You turn them to skies of blue

You walk with me and hold my hand

And that's why I love you

You let me be who I am

And you are true to me

I couldn't ask for a better man

You're all I will ever need

So thank you once, twice and thrice

For being here for me.


"Mr. McGuiness?" Chloe asked Jay from the doorframe of the dinning room.

"Yeah?" Jay asked plainly as he took a small bites of his food.

"I've heard you talking with someone lately; I was wondering, care to tell me who he is?"

"His name is Nathan" was all that Jay said. Chloe waited to see if Jay would elaborate more on this Nathan person, so she could decipher wether 'Nathan' was real and not an illusion.

"Why are you asking?" Jay asked after a while, breaking the silence in the room.

Chloe, who was leaning against the doorframe of the dining room stood up straight with her arms crossed. She fixed her apron whilst looking at Jay sadly. Jay knew what she was thinking; that Nathan was just an illusion. Jay had, had friends that were illusions before but he knew that Nathan wasn't an illusion and was actually real and Jay would defend that Nathan was real until he was blue in the face.

"You think he's an illusion don't you?"

Chloe licked her lips nervously before responding.

"I-it was just a thought"

"Just because I only have one friend......." Jay trailed off before he excused himself and walked upstairs to his bedroom where he found Nathan waiting for him.


Written by @nicely_mcguiness.

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWWhere stories live. Discover now