Chapter thirty nine

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When Jay woke, he looked around his room for Nathan but once again he wasn't there. Jay felt sad that Nathan wasn't there but Jay didn't dwell on it as after so long he was able to see Nathan, Jay promised himslef that he was going the cherish those moments forever.

Tom watched Jay throughout the day, Jay seemed a lot happier since Nathan's visit but wasn't entirely how he used to be. Jay ate much more than the three bites he usually did, Jay seemed more chirpier and brighter when he spoke, with a smile on his face and his promise to Nathan in his mind.

Max came around to Jay's house at exactly 1pm. Max knocked on the door and waited patiently for one of the housemaids to open the door but was surprised when Jay opened the door. Jay grinned and pulled Max inside, almost making Max trip over from the amount of force Jay pulled him inside the house.

Jay sighed in content, spinning him and Max around. "Isn't it a wonderful day? The suns out, the flowers are finally growing and there is that smell of freshly cut grass in the air. Oh I can't wait for summer, can you?"

Max grinned, "You seem a lot happier today Jay, are you feeling okay?"

"I am feeling fantastic!" Jay threw his arms in the air for emphasis.

"That's good!" Max smiled, "And why are you feeling fantastic today?"

Jay stood still and a sweet smile grew on his face, "Nathan visited last night."

"Oh" Max felt jealous but he decided to push his jealousy away and stop being selfish for one minute and not ruin Jay's happiness.

"That's good!" Max forced a smile on his face but Jay didn't seem to notice, "I thought he couldn't come back?"

"Neither did I! but he was really here and this time it wasn't an illusion!"

Max smiled at Jay; for real this time. Maybe, just maybe Jay was getting better.

For old times sakes, Tom; Max and Jay went out into the back garden, where all the horses were. They each decided, to sit near the stables as the horses roamed as they pleased watching the picturesque scenery. Tom asked the other two boys if they remembered coming here when they were kids in the holidays, when they used to camp outside and watch the stars or the diamonds in the sky as they used to call them. Jay and Max nodded, each passing a remark on how they missed the old times; just like at Tom's funeral.

"Tom?" Jay asked, breaking the silence between the three boys.

Tom turned to Jay, "Yes?"

"How did-" Jay cleared his throat, "How did Nathan come and see me, I thought you said he could never come back?"

Tom turned back to look at the horses, lazily eating walking around, "I tried to get him to come back but I couldn't so I went to see him, In heaven. I told him that since he left how bad you have gotten, and that you was slipping back into your old ways. I told him that you nearly killed yourself and I guess something snapped inside him and he somehow managed to force himself back onto earth; to see you. But the pain would of been too much for him to stay here so once you fell asleep, he had to leave"

Tom once again turned to face Jay and grabbed his hand, "You know he kept trying to find away to get back to you, he really loves you so don't give up on him: don't give up on life Jay, you've still got me and Max"

Jay smiled sadly as tears stung his eyes, "I won't I promised Nathan."

"Do you think he will come back?" Max asked, surprising Jay as Max and Nathan never really seemed to get along.

"Honestly?" Tom ran a hand through his hair, "I don't actually know but If either I or him find a way then yes he could come back."

Jay looked up to the sky the sun had started to set behind the horizon, Jay closed his eyes and hoped, prayed that somehow, someday Nathan would come back and he and Jay could be together again.

Written by @nicely_mcguiness.

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWWhere stories live. Discover now