Chapter thirty five

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Chapter thirty five.

When Nathan had awoke Tom was no longer sleeping next to Jay; he was, however watching over both Nathan and Jay. Just like Max, Tom was going to leave Nathan and Jay be, well until Nathan had to leave and Tom would be appointed as Jay's new guardian angel. Tom could tell that underneath Nathan's defiant act, he was scared. Scared because as soon as he would leave Jay, Nathan knew Jay would go back to his old ways unless Max saves him.

Max's threat still lingered in Nathan's memory, Nathan could still hear Max's threat ringing in his ears. It was like a ticking time bomb; the closer it got to Nathan leaving the louder Max's voice sounded in Nathan's ears.

"Morning" Jay mumbled to Nathan in his morning voice making Nathan's insides tingle.

Nathan smiled at Jay, this was the last day Nathan would spend with Jay so he better make the most of it.

"Good morning" Nathan kissed Jay for a few seconds before he pulled away.

Jay smiled up at Nathan and cuddled into him despite the fact that Nathan was smaller than Jay, "what was last night for?" Jay innocently asked.

"Why are you asking? I didn't hurt you did I?" Nathan panicked, hoping he didn't force himself onto Jay.

"It was unexpected, but I enjoyed it" laughed Jay.

Nathan so desperately wanted to tell him what it was for, but he knew if he did Jay would be upset for the 12 hours they had left.

"Because I love you, that's why" Nathan whispered making goosebumps arise on Jay's skin.

Nathan watched as Jay closed his eyes and sighed in delight. Nathan would miss times like this when he would be sent away.

Nathan knew he should of never taken Jay for granted and should of cherished every single moment Nathan shared with Jay instead Nathan lived in some dreamland; a dreamland called love. It was too late do anything about it but Nathan was going to cherish the moments that he has left with Jay.


There was only one hour left before Nathan had to leave Jay and as the time went by Nathan grew sadder and found it hard to force a fake smile. The two boys had spent the day at the tree where they shared their first kiss, they talked about anything and everything making both boys cry with laughter, they had only just returned about 10 minutes ago as it started to rain.

Jay yawned, "I'm tired."

"Go to sleep, it's getting late anyway."

Jay closed his eyes and once again cuddled into Nathan, "will you still be here when I wake up?" Jay asked as if he knew that Nathan was leaving.

Nathan didn't answer instead he pulled Jay closer to him.

"What time is it?" Jay mumbled and yawned.

Nathan turned to look at the clock and when he turned back Jay was fast asleep. It was 11:30pm which meant in half an hour Nathan would be gone.

The ticking of the clock seemed to mock Nathan as the time flew by half an hour soon passed and there was only a mere minute left. Nathan counted the seconds he had left.







Nathan kissed Jay for the last time and breathed in Jay's scent; which was Nathan's favourite scent in the world.












"Goodbye Jay, I love you"




And just like that, Nathan was gone.

Written by @nicely_mcguiness.

Just an illusion. | Jaythan AU | co-written with @chasing_TWDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora