
Blood, so much blood. There was silence, silence so loud it hurt my ears. The blood creeps up my body until it reaches my mouth, I try to scream only to choke. It went down my throat and into my eyes. Soon it reaches the ceiling, the blood was thick making it hard to move. All I saw was red.

I cover my eyes kicking and choking on nonexistent blood, my eyes were closed but I saw red. My breath stuck in my throat. I can't breath.

"Ricky, wake up." Someone was shaking me. I unconsciously wrap my arms around their neck, their smell calmed me to the point where I could breath but my heart still pounded. Fingers ran through my hair lightly massaging my head. The red turned to black, my heart slowed and I fell into a peaceful sleep.


A pair of arms were wrapped around my waist, warm breath puffed my neck. I recognize the arms to be Ryan's. I relax into him enjoying the warmth and comfort. He shifts slightly his head nuzzling the crook of my neck, arms tightening around my waist. My fingers aimlessly drew pattern onto his arms. I've waited so long for this, sadly it'll end once he wakes up. Hopefully it doesn't get all awkward between us.

"Hhmm." I hold in a breath, "Rick you awake?"

"Uh huh." I whisper.

"I heard you through the wall, wanted to make sure you were all right."

"I'm ok." Flashes from last night went through my mind. "sorry for waking you up."

"It's alright, I'm always here for you." His arms pull me into his lap rocking me back and forth. I felt him lightly kiss the top of my head.

Noises came from downstairs signalling the guys were up. They gave us wierd looks when we came down together. We return the looks. Angelo was sitting on the counter with Chris inbetween his legs, the two had obviously been making out. Vinny was sleeping with his head in Devins lap and Josh was being Josh just starring off into space. Matt and Kuza were off doing hell knows what.

"Sup." Ryan gets drinks from the fridge handing one to me.

"What's going on?" Something seemed off.


Vinny was starting to freak me out. I was up with him all night because he could hardly breath and his inhaler wasn't helping much. I was scared to leave him alone in case he suffocated. We'd have to scrub down the house, there must be mold somewhere. Speaking of that he began coughing and wheezing again. I sit him up, his face was turning red he clutched his chest as if in pain.

"I'm taking you to the doctor."


I hope I didn't creep Ricky out earlier. He was out painting on the porch, I wanted  to watch but felt like a bother. The front door opened and closed signalling he'd  come back in. Thumping came upstairs followed by the sound of splintering wood. I rush to the stairs, Ricky had fallen through a step and gotten a leg stuck. I quickly lift him out, which was easy due to how light he is, and prayed I also wouldn't fall through. He looked down at his leg, my eyes widen, there was a large piece of wood sticking out of it. His breath quickened.

"Calm down, I'll get it out." I sit him up on the bathroom counter trying to find disinfectants. There was alot of blood but it wasn't to deep. I had to pick out small splinters with tweezers. He didn't make a sound despite the pain he must've new in.

I wrap it all up and find him a pair of sweatpants. "Thank you Ryan."

"Not a problem." I pick him up and sit him in my lap. He sets his head on my chest, "You're ok, I'll make sure of it."

He kisses my cheek, "I know." I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"It doesn't matter." He hides his face back in my chest.

"You can tell me, I won't judge."

He sighs. "My dad, he hurt me and my family, he killed my baby sister by throwing her against the wall, she died in my arms. Few years later he killed my mom while I was at school, all I saw was red, when it cleared i was covered in blood and he was dead. Matt was scared but promised not to tell." My eyes widen, this is fucked up, poor baby, Matt to. I stroke his hair expecting tears but instead I got a smile. "So I didn't scare you off?"

"You could never scare me off, you're an adorable little kitten."


"Uh uh, right there." Matt gasped beneath me. I could finnaly make love to my little bat without the worry of being walked in on due to more privacy. Sure they'd hear us but it's nothing new. We've all fucked in front of each other but making love was different. It was more private, for your eyes and feelings only.

I was so close to cumming but wanted this to last longer. Matts moans and walls clenching were making it difficult to hold back. His legs wrap around my waist pulling me deeper inside. I always worried about hurting him, he's tiny and my dicks not exactly small, but he loved it deep. I pick up the pace causing the moans I love hearing to get louder. He bit and sucked at my neck, moans finnaly erupted from my throat. I'm not a masochist but I love when he drew blood from me like this. His nails dug into my back as his cum shot onto our stomachs. I followed soon after. I fall down next to him while our breath slows down.

"Come on baby lets take a shower." Matt leads me to the bathroom connected to our room. I stare at his small body walking in front of me. I didn't do it out of pure lust but admiration. He wasn't an object of lust, he was my love. Not to say I don't lust after him because I do, but when you love someone their body isn't what you lust after, its them in an entirety. Does that make sense? It does to me.

He frowns and wipes the small trickle of blood from my neck. "I don't notice when I do that, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I love it when you do." His frown still remained, "promise you'll stop me next time."

"It's fine bats, I like it." I kiss him before he can reply and carry him into the hot shower. I notice blood under his short nails and moan as the hot water made my scratches sting. So maybe I am a bit of a masochist. It's not like I want him to beat me up because that's just sick, but the little bit of pain is addicting. Maybe it's the blood or the fact that he did it out of raw passion. Whatever it was I loved it.

He pulls away from my embrace to turn the water temperature down. "It's way to hot." Now I was cold even though he only changed it slightly. But that's fine, he usually gets out before I do so I'll turn it back up for a few minutes.

We helped each other wash before he got out and I could boil myself. The scorching water felt nice, most of the time I was cold even on warm days. Chris was like that to but is always cuddled up to Angelo who happens to be a little heater.  Although I don't want to get out of the hot water I miss my little bat.

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